
Bond continuity basically resets every time they recast the guy. 

Celebrity comments on comments about their comment’ now accounts for 93% of all entertainment news

and no charges were brought and she has a proven track record of being vindictive throughout the divorce. I don’t see any children’s testimony in the article. Fuck off you filthy misandrist.

Some good reporting here, but that headline is at least misleading, and perhaps closer to simply a lie. They’re not Nintendo employees, but contractors for a third-party; I get it, clicks are important. But if there’s space to change it, that headline really could use an update.

Yeah, my view of Pratt is... mixed. But at the time they signed these contracts, he was arguably the biggest star in the world. He’d just had Guardians and the Lego Movie and was probably the most bankable actor on the planet. It’s not a surprise that he got a bigger payday than anyone else on that movie.

What’s absurd is making cheat software, having the audacity to sell it openly and then claiming it isn’t hurting anybody.

Game looks fun and I thought the trailer was fine in that it got me interested in the game. *shrugs*

I am an attorney. You are correct. We hire process servers to do the job, and even the attorneys don’t choose where it happens. The process servers do. Jason had nothing to do with this, although it is nice he is taking responsibility anyway. I do have pity for both of them for both finding new loves within the UK,

That’s . . . how service happened. Jason Sudeikis didn’t serve Wilde; he hired someone to serve her. They decide how they do that. Case closed. What’s the deal here?

Jezebel makes habit of forgetting what they said and going back to defend the female in any scenario.

walk into a bar, and the bartender says, “hey look, three notorious fame whores.”

Just because snakes are cold blooded, doesn’t mean they’re cold. They absorb heat from their surroundings. 

That’s not the solution. The solution is no slide shows. We’re not looking at vacation photos.

That fact that you hyperlinked the word ‘fetishized’ and it *wasn’t* a link to Van Halen’s “Hot for Teacher” video is an editorial travesty.

Seriously — this woman carried on a 3-year abuse of a child, then tried to gaslight the situation by saying HE was harassing HER. So glad that backfired on her and her face is plastered all over news sites. I hope she does get real therapy, and I hope the now-teen victim does as well.

There are so many things I like about Prometheus and so much to hate as well.
It KIND OF works if you look at it as a tribute to the “idiot scientists land on an unknown planet” films of the ‘50s - but, on the other hand, the original Alien was a tribute to those films too and it’s much much better.

You’ve put more work into piecing this together than any of the filmmakers ever did.

I haven’t read a word of this yet, but on behalf of all AVC readers, thank you for not making this a slideshow.

  • Regardless of water temperature, add one cup of white vinegar to your load of laundry, after your detergent.

I’m sure the producers are very sorry they couldn’t let 12 year old children experience the creative joy of discovery and experimentation. Drama club is good for that, kids.