
The problem is the opposite of what you’re suggesting. It’s those that feel they’re not at risk (“old, fat, ill”, as you put it) that’s spreading it far and wide to those that ARE vulnerable. Had EVERYONE self isolated when this thing started to go global things wouldn’t have gotten out of control like they did.

Hey, other people have told you but: you’re a raging idiot.

I am not sure you understand how herd immunity works.

Okay, you can be the first to volunteer then

Oh go jerk off to The Fountainhead.

Well your misinformed opinions certainly imply that you are smarter than neither of them.

Someone said Musk is not Stark, but Justin Hammer: a rich douchebag who pays actual scientists to come up with revolutionary breakthroughs, then takes all the credit for the breakthroughs.

The idea that Musk genuinely cares about the planet, and didn’t just find a market set-dressing he could exploit, gets more remote by the day.

>>use the mute button.

You clearly do not understand what trans people go through and you absolutely hate them, even if you think you don’t. Your words and how you speak about them show the hatred that you deny.

Sticks and stones is a lie parents tell their kids to get them to stop crying in the moment. Words can be worse than anything and can completely alter a person if they are heard for long enough. The problem is not people who can’t “get over it.” The problem is people like you who insist it isn’t a problem and let the

Looks like you never stopped. Maybe try mentally growing up passed 14 too. 

Your young kids are watching grown men give themselves life altering concussions and celebrating it. I think you need to check your priorities.

You can’t even say the word vagina and you want people to believe you’re not easily offended? Grow up!

I’m not a sportsball fan, but I tuned in just to see the halftime show. I legit choked up when I saw JLo wrapped up in the Puerto Rican/US flag, the kids in cages, her daughter and that kid’s choir joining in for a few lines of “Born in the USA.” I thought all of this was the biggest F-U to the Trump administration

I’m not easily offended

sounds like a fun party


You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons.