
I’m into this nonsense!

Being both ignorant and misogynistic doesn’t make for much in the way of legitimate grievances. It’s a game, not a history lesson.

“Except you would be wrong, you intentionally ignored the reason why fans are upset”

Why should I care why people are upset when their reasons for being upset run counter to facts, the way the game functions, statements from the developers about the way the game has always functioned and why the game is designed the

It's not politics, it's people being shitty towards women with think veiled arguments. Women are underrepresented in games and it hurts nothing to have them as generals. 

It’s a really simple solution for something that isn’t a problem.

What customers were attacked?

What’s the reason people are upset? A representative offered two solutions for zero problems.

I don’t know why they are’s as close to a women that they are going to get.

Being bothered by video games depicting women in positions of power, by definition, makes you a “soft pathetic excuse of a human being”.

I don’t even play Total War.

Hey everyone, found the incel!

Please don’t un-grey the sad little boy.

Get Woke, Go Broke.

Look you limp dick turd of a human, everybody’s ignoring your dumbass reasons because they’re dumb. What are you doing...RP’ing a strategy game? Really getting into the period and shit? No? It’s a game? Getting worked up because there’s a chance of generating female generals? Oh fuck...feminazi’s coming after you!

Projection is a hell of a drug.

The thing that gets me is these are the same people who call US too easily offended and triggered.

These guys are being emasculated by shapely polygons because they have authority inside a videogame. But yeah, feminism is why guys can’t get laid today.

Considering, for example, the mere existence of gay people in games has some people crying “political!”, I don’t think those people are being reasonable.

to add. the way gamers and “nerd culture “ people act anymore, if anyone asks what my hobby is, I just say i watch porn, becasue at this point, its the LESS EMBARRASSING FAN-BASE I BELONG TO