
She had an embarrassing Do-you-know-who-I-am-? DUI incident a few years back, but who hasn’t been stupid while drunk? A redeemable offense, I’d say.

So I’m guessing you missed her drunken arrest video from a few years ago?

Imagine being overwhelmed by press and fans and gawkers whenever you go out of the house, and then having a cop NOT treat you like you’re famous while you’re drunk and in trouble. It’s the perfect recipe for saying the wrong thing and she went there. It was definitely not okay but...I’ve said much more obnoxious

Why are you offended by her being drunk? She wasn’t driving. She was a little salty to the officer and who hasn’t been there.

A Rand acolyte continuing to nurse at the govt. teat. Checks out.

Yep, that’s how the last election went. Thinking we’re too good for idiocy to prevail is definitely not enough.

There is no guarantee Dems will win the House and/or Senate. We need to get involved - donate, calls, hit the streets. Sitting back and hoping the GOP is just going to implode is NOT going to be enough.

My first reaction: this is fantastic, good fucking riddance.

I’m sorry he did that to you. (((Hugs)))

Er, last time I checked there is room for more than one female rapper. The men don’t wait to take turns, so why would we expect the women to?

Aren’t you that guy Jezebel fired for being racist and sexist?

Wow, I knew PUBG had become less popular than Fortnite but I didn’t know the developers were this desperate.

You’re on the wrong website. Leave.

Fortnite is meant to be less realistic and more whimsical, both in it’s art style and gameplay. These are definitely not glitches and are features that were programmed deliberately to enhance the gameplay in crazy ways.

“Thick enough skin” is usually the retort of the thinnest-skinned MOFO in the room.

😂😂😂 I’ve never seen a comment that more illustrates that someone had no idea what they’re talking about

How the fuck is he going to make a stand on being friends with pos toxic garbage people and fuck over his own money and “fans”.

While you’re not necessarily “wrong”, you’re missing out on a key 4th element. Which is timing.