1. I can’t wait
Look, what I did wasn’t murder-murder. That absolutely wasn’t murder, because when you use the word murder you mean I mashed his head into the shaggy carpet with the tire lever. Don’t just throw that word around. What I did was more like a gentle ushering of his consciousness through the tunnel that reaches into the…
“Oh god! There’s a cat in that burning building!....... Ah! I know what to do!” *Throws another cat into burning building* “Now they won’t be alone.”
What lunatic has a second child just so the first doesn’t have ‘to face an environmental collapse alone.’????
(rubs hands together) may i just be the first to say...
So – I’m a little busy right now to do a truly comprehensive list without getting a check for it – especially since I’d essentially be doing the author’s work – but would it not have been useful to at least list *some* of the most prominent current women whose work has been co-opted and whitewashed and erased?
Aggravated assault? No. At most he’ll get some sort of disorderly conduct charge, which will be held in abeyance and then dismissed upon some sort of completion of community service or anger management or something. Woe to the prosecutor who would be willing to bring serious charges against this guy to a jury.
Lol what? That’s bonkers. Given the circumstances there’s no way this dude is getting hit hard for this.
Next victim’s father...
Margraves: “Your Honor, can you grant me 5 minutes alone in a locked room with this...demon?”
I watched the clip and it quite honestly brought tears to my eyes. His horror and rage and frustration was so damn raw. I just can’t even imagine how he feels.
They’ll probably throw some flimsy assault charge at him that won’t get enforced. Might spend a couple hours in custody.
1.) Is it bad that I was hoping that Dad was going to get some good licks in on Larry before anyone could intervene?
I gotta give the guy points for creativity as to asking for a few minutes alone with this dirtbag.
I am happy to pay my National Insurance contributions and would be happy for it to increase to be safe in the knowledge that when my daughters have babies, or get sick, or if I need more medical care, I don’t have to bankrupt myself just to get the help I need.
The biggest lie Americans, especially conservatives, love to tell ourselves is the one about self-determination and self-reliance.
Bye. Felicia. Thanks for saving the tax payers of your state money in caring for you for the next 7-10 years.
I... what?
Ordered to complete his GED? Did I read that right? How is that a prerequisite to getting this guy off the street and away from kids? Also, “May” end up going to prison? He made a sex tape with a kid! WTF is going on in that courtroom?