
He was in a position of authority over her. A 22 year old high school teacher may not have much of an age difference if he’s teaching an 18 year old senior, but it’s still all kinds of wrong for him to come on to her or have any kind of sexual contact with her.

Bear in mind that the age difference encompasses his authority over her and moral authority of what she should do with her body as her abstinence educator, college (my assumption), legal adulthood, and also that five years at that age is nearly 1/3 of her life.

Honestly I am just so sick to fucking death of American Christian church rhetoric. Like I’m so fucking sick of megachurches and smarmy, self-righteous pastors and everyone being so FUCKING INSANE about sex and sexuality. I’m sick of this country’s Pence-yness and I’m sick of disgusting religious nonsense having any

Old enough to be in a position of authority and coerce a teenager into a sex act. What is this question?

Organized religion in general, but especially Christianity, with its stupid fucking masturbatory confessionals and unlimited mulligans so long as you pretend to be super duper sorry about it and OMG YOU HAVE TO FORGIVE HIM BECAUSE HE SAID HE’S SORRY AND IF YOU DON’T FORGIVE HIM THAT MAKES YOU THE BAD GUY.

He was her fucking youth pastor. Don’t try to excuse him. JFC.

How old is too old to drive a teen in your congregation to a secluded road without her permission and demand she touch you sexually?

You didn’t sin with her, douchecanoe. You sinned against her.

Whoaah, you’re trying not to rape people? Quick! Someone get this guy a Nobel Prize!

what the fuck do you suggest they do then?

I am ten thousand percent unsurprised that in a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” scenario, people start throwing their hands in the air and going “fuck it.”

It’s astonishing how difficult it apparently is for people to say “sexual harassment and sexual assault are bad and should not be tolerated.”

Who said wearing dresses stopped rape? Show me one article that said that. It’s a show of solidarity to the victims and to get people to talk about the issue.

First we want them to stop harassing and assaulting us. Now we want them to speak out against it. It’s hard to be a man!

Why are we even dragging the troll out the greys?

Yes, it’s the woman’s fault for all of this. You’re totally right.

I don’t know if you are trolling but those four men were talented (and some still are) and no one is supposed to worship them.

I’m a cardi b fan but chill. The Beatles at least played their own instruments.

You’re a fucking idiot. I was gonna type you up a paragraph on a more even keel, but nah, it’d be wasted breath. You’re a fucking idiot.