Making people shown up dirty or unkept helps secure rulings against them, and encouraged them to sign away rights to sue the jail to get out. It’s unconscionable
Making people shown up dirty or unkept helps secure rulings against them, and encouraged them to sign away rights to sue the jail to get out. It’s unconscionable
Maybe she shouldn’t repeat bullshit made up by that money grubing Wakefield if she doesn’t want to be classified as anti-vax. Like how she needs to stop courting the TERFs if she doesn’t want the homophobic and transphobic lables.
Antivax and courting TERF as well. Because between me and Mike Pence I’m the bigger threat to feminism.
The libertarians have the same hard on for deregulation the rest of the right has.
Correlation is causation in the modern world.
Anti science pap by a political opertunist. She should be running on the right.
You know someone has no intellectually tenable position when they settle on the tone argument.
I am still baffled by people who think dark souls is hard. Do you just close your eyes and jag on the buttons wildly?
Didn’t even mention the puzzle that in the original version had a misspelled answer. (You had to do something utterly unintuitive; and rot 13 Rumpelstiltskin but Roberta transposed the e and the l so you had to also had to make the same mistake.
Here you go making me think about wonkette.
Trump wears poorly tailored suits to hide his tiny hands and huge ass. He drinks diet coke by the liter for a reason.
I was in telepolstering (some how the worst job ever) when the do not call list came out. People seem to think that no one at all can call if you put your name on the list. For several sorts of calls it actually is a list of good numbers you can call. Telepolstering doing polls for municipalities or other government…
Once he loses and starts giving interviews he is going to start framing it as he is the only person to make money from running for president.
Chill Arzy, he got a number from his convention, Hillary’s starts tonight so just wait to see what sort of bump she gets.
Toilets don’t have enough water in them for the Coriolis effect to happen.
The Olympics are such a clusterfuck it’s time to dissolve the IoC and stop wasting time with this garbage.
When it was decriminalised it was about the most lax in the country. Especially when stakes like Nebraska were giving black kids life sentences for personal possession value. You are right they do work hard, I know this because of the giant meth ring deadliest catch accidently found and participated in.
Yup. No cops around to bother you about drinking a 28 dollar six pack then smacking your wife around. Cops will never be filmed in Moose Scrotum AK.
Let me clarify. I know in ggeneral VP pick does little for a candidate. There are plenty of studies that simply having a candidate from a state or a given demographic does little to change the way the electorate will vote. I am making the very specific claim that Kaine in particular is quite popular across both NOVA…
Kaine is quite popular in VA.