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    If a guy with a history of violence says he is going to commit an act of violence, I’m willing to take him at his word.

    People love to get their panties in a wad when they see people having badwrongfun.

    Juggalos are self identified Insane Clown Posse fans. The ones that always have a band shirt on or go out in grease paint. This fellow probably helped contribute to the terrible state of Lake Hepatitis.

    You’ll never go broke overestimating the stupidity of the American public.

    Think what would happen if an over pressure paintball marker was used to shoot someone in the eye (even unintentionally).

    you can modify a marker to put holes through plywood easy enough.

    Now I just feel bad for Michael Palin having to be associated (by name only) with these offal garglers.

    As someone who’s family lineage could generously be described as hillbilly, I don’t want that woman connected to me in any fashion.

    Radical Dreamers was the only part of the Chrono trilogy worth having around. Cross especially is bad.

    No baby is cute.

    So the husband gets drunk and starts fights at other peoples birthday parties uninvited. The mother is a lazy grifter, and the daughter learned to steal money from tax coffers to tell kids abstinence until marriage is the only way through multiple pregnancies out of the wedlock she said was so precious to her. This

    No wait, the two of them are docking and trump is hung like his fingers and so it fits.

    Makes me think of a penis piercing.

    Why do we let odious pieces of shit continue to clog our justice system with their frivolous suits.

    Yeah, walking alone isn’t gonna do a ton if you are just doing a mile a day or some such. If you do four or five miles and change your eating habits, you can see long term results.

    Why does she know so well what her kids genitals look like. That sounds like the sort of thing a pedophile would be big on.

    Sounding like Max Power way.

    Of course ignoring that cops would rather rape women.

    I’ve got the distinct feeling this comment section is going to go shit shaped.

    Because apparently Don’t Rape is just to hard to teach people.