It’s like old school basic D&D, elf and dwarf are classes with obtuse leveling rules. You can’t be a dwarf cleric, so you can’t be a gay Latin American.
It’s like old school basic D&D, elf and dwarf are classes with obtuse leveling rules. You can’t be a dwarf cleric, so you can’t be a gay Latin American.
At least they haven’t murdered her.
Like the late sometimes correct bill hicks said, make it mandatory.
It’s ok though, we are all blindly hurtling through a cold dispassionate existence. We are all doomed as are all our institutions and existence itself.
Well, yeah. Nothing is well funded and likely as not you’ll get sold to a prison or a ranch.
For what it is worth the kids will probably get to enter the foster system.
I transpose e and l so much my autocorrect gave up.
Last summer there was that picture of the stoat taking down a woodpecker. These guys hunt from mice to rabbits size, so definitely punching over their weight.
He is a Least Weasle specifically. Normal weasles are cat to fox sized.
To counteract the rage stroke
The room scale is rather pretty cool.
Your spec sheet looks off? The Rift is the front facing unit and the vive is the 360 degree unit.
Even worse, if he behaves himself he will be out in three months. He basically got summer detention for rape.
Why aren’t we burning places like this to the ground.
Does anyone actually believe she eats 30 bananas a day?
Wow a group of people less grown up than the gators.
Little late to the party dontcha think?
What do you mean until, half of them are.
Don’t rape never entered either son or father’s mind.