Sorry KOTOR is garbage.
Twin Peaks and Broadchurch.
Well if both of you are size 16 then you are! (That is where most brands intersect upper end sizes, of course they generally make so few at that size QC goes to hell)
It sounds like the same kind of glide step used in marching band the way you describe it.
Racists don’t deserve nice things.
That was one terrible and abstract game, which doesn’t even have the excuse castlevania two had of a localisation team who understood neither language involved.
Dark Souls isn’t hard you just need pattern recognition and the ability to not flail on your buttons because the game keeps a button queue. Monster Hunter and La Mulana are significantly harder than Dark Souls. I’m not sure it’s really possible to compare TMNT to any of the aforementioned games because it’s difficulty…
Was there ever an instance of a DOS port being better than the NES version?
Ok I really want to play that.
If you grow up being raped by an authority figure all of society says you can trust and have your best interests at heart, might just fuck you up.
It’s 20 in Japan and Paraguay, 21 in Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Oman, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Micronesia, Tonga, Solomon Islands, and Palau. I’m ignoring all the countries with a citation needed, or that are a part of the United States, and only those laws that apply the same age to buying and drinking. Some of the…
To get to and from the bar.
I would assume it costs a fair bit (besides ones dignity) to join a frat.
I guess the author doesn’t smoke weed.
Whats with all the movies getting turned in to series. Rocky Horror looks good, but Frequency, Lethal Weapon, The Exorcist, and Training Day all look like they will die early.
To be fair. The fifth book ruins itself really well. There is a reason it got ignored and that reason is it is terrible.
Because some schools are run by crusty old shits angry they can’t beat all the children in to Stockholm Syndrome based religiosity.
I’ve spent a few minutes with each, and which one to get right now mostly depends on what you are going to do with it. The vive gives a better experience, but if you want to play something like Skyrim you have to either deal with wonky logical solutions to walking far (point and clicking to teleport or a button to…
Well Americans like football so football players are intrinsically better than you or me.