So people pay money to watch a grown woman eat food like an autistic six year old?
So people pay money to watch a grown woman eat food like an autistic six year old?
Bright kid, she saw the long picture.I feel a tiny bit less sad for the next generation.
He failed to get the summary judgement he wanted. That sure sounds like losing his motion to dismiss.
I hate people who don’t use their signals with the burning passion of a thousand syphiletic Republican genitals.
Losing an anti-slapp in california is pretty damning.
More proof the far right is composed of Terrorists.
When you crave a thin mint fuckers better get out of the way.
Yeah even the developers for the various dota clones are racist shitlords when they play.
So a guy known to be an asshole, who’s schitck is being an asshole, is such an asshole Gabe “Huge Gaping Asshole” Newell called him an asshole publicly. I miss when drama at least had one sympathetic person involved.
Let’s start with Finicum from the Ranch Dildonians. The spokesman for armed insurrectionists who took over federal land for 41 days, ran from a legal traffic stop with four people in his vehicle, which he then attempted to ram through a police blockade before veering in to the snow where he finally got out and the…
You sure typed a lot of words to say that you think black people are just being uppity.
Raise your kids to not be like the pricks you see in the world. Compassion is the grandest gift you can ever impart to your child.
When I was in kindergarten in 1989 my teacher thought that her bootleg copy of song of the South was correct and appropriate for airing.
A black president didn’t stop a twelve year old kid from being blown away in under two seconds for the offence of playing in a public park.
TP holds the distinction of being the only 3D Zelda I enjoy. And Hadian Lands does Majora’s gimmick a thousand times better.
Don’t feel too bad not even doctors understand how it really all works.
She was beaten in to compliance.
Well you are talking about people who were beaten in to their faith as children. If any dissent is met with a beating soon you believe every awful thing someone says.
You are as bad as the people who clapped HTH.
Sent a polite complaint with a threat to never buy their brand again.