Théophile Gautier

Yes. I’m quite aware of the name of OP. Which is why I actually went and examined the last 20-30 posts in their comment history before I responded to you... something you don’t seem to have done, since you’ve dismissed them out of hand (in all likelihood because you didn’t like their critique of this piece.) And you

This is one of the most reactionary and honestly silly responses to a comment I’ve ever read here. For one, there’s a vast difference between saying “I think this sucks” and being “violently against” it. Also, no. Just because I don’t like something doesn’t mean it’s taboo to me, or that I need to take another look at

Yeah, that’s a big part of what bothers me here. She’s posting this video, and then essentially daring everyone to look, and then saying if you do look that you’re (re)victimizing her.

Also, this video she’s releasing is consensual. I know it’s really violent—but lots of people have great (for them) consensual,

Agreed. And then there’s the hokey title which is also a nod at another artist. I think this is pretty terrible and not for the reasons that people are attacking her for. I just find both her projects so far to be very facile and obvious and so far my impression of her is that she’s a very manipulative and kind of

Complete with Magritte namecheck and failure-proof manifesto that if you think it sucks, the artist succeeded by engendering a response!

Local museum just hosted the Hapsburg exhibit, and it is fascinating how SO much of their art was based around propaganda and political messages. Honestly, up until the time when most of the population was literate, art was meant as kind of visual news and entertainment all rolled up into one. So the idea that art is

Offending people is incredibly easy, creating meaningful art, however, continues to elude us in this modern age.

Congrats on being against rape.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! If you watched her video that she posted in a public online space without her consent then that makes you a rapist. So, like, yeah. So there!

Because performance art sucks?

I think the artists point is to make you admit why you think it sucks.

why do you have so many hands tho, yo.

I’m really conflicted here.

I don’t think you had a very good art professor. Yes, “art for art’s sake” (the idea of art not needing any purpose besides itself) was a (modern) thing, but most of what we currently consider as art was meant to have specific purposes beyond the purely aesthetic (e.g. religious, political, utilitarian, architectural,

I’m nothing if not the funniest man of 2011.

You don’t like this video? I’m filing a title IX complain against you! For Feminism!

100000000% yes.

I think the message she’s trying to send is. Me!!

Still a better love story than Twilight.

Can someone who knows art explain this to me? Seriously, i have no idea what i’m supposed to feel here. I mean, based on the description this is a recreation of a rape, but it’s not supposed to be showing what happened in 2012. Ok i get that. But by watching it, someone i’m objectifying her rape? Ok then, why