Théophile Gautier

I know! I couldn't understand one person getting their britches in a bunch over AFin's situation, much less the several others who piled on with outrageous personal attacks against her and anyone who dared suggest their position was rude and discourteous.

Nah, no worries. The thread got really weird and hostile and when there's that much back-and-forth and Kinja is likely mixing up things to boot, it happens :) Like I said, that's why I double-checked and pretty quickly saw you were on the OP's side :)

Sweetheart, I don't care how much money you have or don't have. If you act with disregard and discourtesy towards others - as you brag about doing, and as you do in comments - you are low class. You're lucky I afforded even that much, since I doubt very much you have any class. But I thought I'd spot you the benefit

I don't give a shit if low class, inconsiderate losers like you care for me or not. Noise ordinances exist for a reason, precisely because of individuals such as yourself. Don't want to run afoul of them? Don't violate them. Simple as that.

Awwww, hit a little close to home to you, having the police show up and tell you that no, you can't party all night and disturb your neighbors?

I think everyone who is acting like AFin is a "bad pet owner" is basically just acknowledging they're the sort of loud, drunk, inconsiderate assholes she (and many of us) have to deal with and are trying to rationalize themselves. When I finally hit my limit with my neighbors pulling that shit on me, and took

Oops, I think we are actually in agreement - I was defending AFinLA dismissing the nasty comments to her thread, not BB's comments themselves. (I was surprised when I saw your reply in my notifications and I thought, that has to be a mistake, so I came back to the thread and whew! **smile**)

So I should maybe move next door to you and play loud music at all hours of the day and night until you realize that cities are loud and you then move to the country? Cool.

It's actually worse outside the city. Get over it. They're not just obnoxious for pets. They can literally sound like bombs going off and detrimentally affect vets with PTSD. You know, the people who fought for your right to be an arrogant basic bitch on the internet.

Hi. I live in the country side. Where it's supposed to be quiet.

Guess what all the rednecks are doing? Guess what they do every other night of the year?

And you sound like the really obnoxious neighbors that paintballed our house, and our horses, and the rest of the neighborhood, because someone narced on your loud ass party that went into all hours of the night.

welp. at least your username is highly accurate.

Congratulations on loving the noise level where you live.

Ha. She's dismissing anyone who doesn't agree with her.

Understand that may not work for all dogs and stop acting like a shit ass for no reason.

You sound really stupid.

Except New Year's, major sporting events, the 3 days before and after the 4th and a few other random days I can't really figure out. Uh huh.

I am so with you. I hate fucking fireworks. Yay, let's blow shit up! If you're not a 12 year old boy, what is the appeal of this? Good luck with the dogs.

So, people choose to have kids. That doesn't mean that kids can't be terrible to deal with, and it doesn't negate the parents right to dislike aspects of parenthood or to air their stresses.

Common courtesy, have you heard of it? Why should I move because someone is an asshole?