Rotten Fruit from a Shitty Tree

I don’t know. I kinda think of this as the Starks and Lannisters joining forces to fight the whitewalkers. So long as the result is legal, safe abortions, let them be on the right side of history for the wrong reasons.

Have you heard of retaliation? If you talk to them and they do jack shit about it, even when they are very polite and friendly to your face, then what? File noise complaint and they find out it was you. Requiring the info makes perfect sense. Sharing it with the person you are complaining about is a recipe for shit

It’s true the shoving wasn’t necessary. What would you do if someone tried to walk away with your shit, though? I would flip the fuck out. Like, I think every Trump supporter is garbage, but I’m not going to start some shit with someone and think I can just take their shit with no consequences.

But he doesn’t think TV Movies should be nominated for or win Academy Awards, therefore he is worse than Hitler and I will never watch another of his “old guy farting dust” movies again, because old people are garbage, especially if I disagree with them!!!! I mean, just look at him. Such a creep!!

Anyone interested in McGregor vs Beiber? I would give up a month’s worth of wages to see that.

He was getting tuned. It would have ended with the same result anyway. Better before more major (possible brain) damage than after. Sucks, but what are you gonna do?

Followed by a “football” move. Like beating your wife. Or paying someone to beat your wife. Or killing your friend. Or paying someone to kill your friend.

> Those were snowballs, and that happened in 1969.

Wait. Do we hate getting the call right or must we get the call right at any expense?


You have the temerity to say that I am talking to you out of jejune-osity?

Ed Sheeran has always been a condiment.

For anyone here who may not be a huge fan of Boston/New England sports, or even just the city of Boston in general, I highly recommend Godzilla King of Monsters, especially the last 15 min. Goosebump inducing.

AI: Artificial Intelligence is one of the two movies I’ve ever walked out of in my entire life. The other was Born on the 4th of July.

Sky - Blue!?!?

I mean, everyone is always bitching about the officiating in every single professional, amateur, sand lot sport on the planet. “Kill the umpire” chants the crowd in Casey at the Bat. Kill the umpire, that is, unless of course, your team benefits from the bad call,.
