Rotten Fruit from a Shitty Tree

What does that even mean? Not accepting our own shortcomings? I’m old. Some of my tendencies might be stereotypical of old people. So? I’m not going to deny it and get bent out of shape about it. I accept it. As I accept and admit that when I was young I was far from a perfect person. Impatient, less respectful than I

Who was a horrible young person? Not me. I had tendencies that most young people had that are regrettable and repugnant. But I also had characteristics that I’m proud of. I have looked at those behaviors tat I didn’t like and corrected course, as almost all human beings do with the benefit of experience. I am more

Everyone is pretty similar. Make mistakes when you’re young, learn from them when you’re old. Not everyone, but most.

Who slapped you? Generalizations are not always incorrect. In fact, that’s how they become generalizations. Old people are generally measured, but resistant to change or new things. Young people are generally more open minded and curious, but petulant. #notallyoungpeople

Sharts fans. Gotta love ‘em. The consolation is that the Bs defense and Rask will wear down their will to live, and Jumbo Joe will once again choke like a chicken in the finals.

This is actually a great idea. Combine that with the “leash” type tech you see in drones wherein a camera is trained on the puck automatically at all times, and goal line tech and serious improvements could be made to officiating.

            “Yeah, I’ll have one of those.”

Yeah, that’s because your memory shits the bed when you get older. Some people more than others. I think, too, there’s two types of people; those who tend to think more highly of themselves than they ought, and those who think less highly than they ought. I mean, there’s more types than that, but varying degrees of tho

Forests were ruined for me in the 1980s when I snuck into a drive-in theater, through a dark forest, to watch American Werewolf in London. We stood in the back next to one of those shitty, tinny speakers where no-one was parked so we wouldn’t get caught. After having all of the shit thoroughly scared out of me, I then

Do you now a lot of “older folks”? I know a few. They’re pretty much like me. Maybe not as handsome. I’ve found that most people are good. Some are dicks. there are varying tendencies for why. For older people maybe because we see a little of ourselves in the young people and reminds us of what buttholes we were. For

I agree. It has nothing to do with millennials. I’m not a millennial, yet I was 25 at one point in time. And I was a fucking ass hat. And so were my 20 something friends. It’s just the way things are. I’d like to go back and straighten some shit out with myself as a young man 100%.

Not unique, no, but far more prevalent. It’s called maturity for a reason: “Literally” not a made up thing.

Me too. So long as they were not as wealthy as pro athletes.

They love states rights until they don’t. To expect any kind of consistency or continuity in their world view is to give them way too much credit. It’s just another way for them to move the goal posts to fit their limited range.

OMG, LOL! I’ve been parallel parking the wrong way for 32 years! This. Changes. Everything. How did I ever get by?!?

Ageism my ass. I was a young person once and if present (old) me met past (young) me, present me would slap some goddamned sense into past me. It comes with the territory.

Yeah. I really don’t understand this seemingly ubiquitous Howard Hughes-ian revulsion to stewing in one’s own “filth”. It’s not like you’re eating it. And even if you were, it’s harmless biological material. Unless, of course, you never wipe . . . 

Came here for this. Thank you.

Because chemicals man. Chemicals.