
Jews & Muslims are assholes too, just like every other race/religion/gender/sexual preference in the world. We are people, the assholes of the world! Assholes unite!

Power dynamic is not a part of defining bigotry or racism. That's protointellectual bullshit that has infected the discussion. Power or enfranchisement is a state of mind...totally subjective. Just because you think someone is powerful does not mean they feel empowered, which is all that matters. Power doesn't

punching up is a myth made up by bigots to justify their bigotry. It's disgusting and should be called out for what it is. Blind hatred. Nothing else. You disgust me. Oh and I'm Jewish. So feel free to blame me for the Israeli gaza conflict.

eeehhhh.....I agree and disagree. It's important to point things out, but I worry that mockery alienates. I suppose this is one of those "it depends on how it's done" sort of things.

"This is car crime." But that's not why you want it publicized, is it? You want it publicized because it suits your agenda that LBGT's were persecuted. Even if the cars were all identified by bumper stickers, this guy didn't start up this scam, including buying a tow truck and having windshield tow-notice labels

It doesn't matter whether you punch up or down, you're still not doing anything positive.

This attitude will add many years to minority suffering.

I just to chose to believe that everyone but me is an idiot. Except maybe Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

Like in Iraq, where muslims are murdering Christians? You're a horrible person, in case you didn't know.

all the Obama ass lickers are crying for the poor criminals who got beat by a real mans...

Amazingly, 8 people know wtf you are talking about. But, +10 points for saying "racists."

Oh, now you add something about vehicles. Trying to find the balance between guaranteed page views and Jalopnik? Why not call it JalopGawkernik?

You're tripping over your hindsight. Obviously, the pilot could've waited until he'd blown the plane up to ask for the commandos to storm the plane, but of course if that was the SOP by then the passengers would have been scattered all over the Midwest. And I'd really rather pilots concentrate on flying the plane,

For a post on Jezebel, this sort of rubs me the wrong way. Not only are we calling a young woman a "dummy", but posters below are calling her everything from a bitch to saying they want to punch her. We consistently state that Jezebel doesn't slutshame and doesn't shame women's bodies - but yet this is allowed?

Lucky the feds have that whole southern border thing under control and can waste their time on hyper important things. Good job ICE!!

Now if only they'd do the same will illegally imported people.....

looks like u still need coffee


He meant to type "Future Jezebel commenter"

Surprisingly most of the people benefiting from AA are white females. I'm shocked that this made it this far.