
Well… why do you hate America? USA USA USA

Rusev, Rollins and the Miz are the only heels on the roster that get booed consistently so it works. Its so hard to get a heel over as a heel because if the fans find them entertaining in any way they'll cheer for them

My brother would slap you for insulting his girlfriends name.

The Mayor's van reminds me of the Daffy Duck float from the Looney Tunes show. Am I the only one who loved that show? It was awesome.

"Will Forte’s “grin and bear it” smile and nod while Carol talks about
the United States’ first unanimous presidential election is just the

Like Carol would go for that.

he's the President. Just make a presidental order to make the marriage not valid and have sex with January Jones.

Please being Ric Flair's offspring doesn't guarantee anything. See David Flair

Did anyone think Kristen Schaal's character was going to die at the end of the 2nd episode and it'd become a woman of the week style show where they die or leave each episode? Dark Comedy am I right? *laughs like Teddy

Well its been how ever long where she didn't know if she would see another human. It was an extreme coping mechanism in order to try and maintain her wits.

She wasn't really quirky. More like uptight

Really then why did you hire me last week?

Rather take my chances in Arizona then some place where I'd have to worry about freezing

Well electricity wouldn't be working so you couldn't pump gas or water so in the words of MST3k: :