
Obama killed the gasoline car

they never tell you which political party is in charge

fuck this annoying bitch

so much to tolerance and acceptance

remember he said he only married her so he can advance his career. Obama choose to be straight but hes gay 

nothing from you or this site on the former FBI hearing. I guess since all it did was clear Trump and show the Obama/Clinton corruption you will stay quite   

whats the big deal? these are just Democrats getting together, Hillary Clinton might speak about her loss at the rally

well speaking to black people you have to use derogatory terms, why dont you listen to a rap song???? I do the same when speaking to my black friend vs my white friend. you have to get on their level of intellect

King of Jordan was not a dictator, its a democratic monarchy 

where have you been the last 8 years? all of these global agreements and initiatives as much as they sound great they chip away at our freedom.

Glad to see this happen. Its a $1.6 trillion scam. Why should the US and its tax payers have to pay for Europe?????? or China’s pollution?????? One great thing we need to take form this is that globalism hurts US individualism   

fuck off snowflake

roads that should have been maintained by states funds but as usual. lets take the money for the roads and use it somewhere else.

a quick google image of old 300's will show you that Bentley copied it 

put up more pictures of the car you fuckin bitch

when a woman has more balls the Cooper

you forgot to mention who runs the city and who sold the parking contract for the next 60 years.

holy shit you found a scandal and the mainstream media has not reported on yet. they would die for such a story, cant wait to see this on CNN

Another day, another black child has been gunned down by a trigger-happy police officer leaving another community enraged and another family in pain.

you are talking about a sports channel that went politically correct and hired activists to gain ratings. your average sports junkie is not interested in politics or snowflake social justice worrier bullshit