
WOW an article not bashing Trump on an auto site!

if shes going after Hollywood wouldnt that make her a Trump supporter? Hollywood hates him and always covers up 

they can go fuck themselfes, the media will not cover Uber drivers and all the fucked up cases. Instead of sending out an email to your safespace safetypen no common sense idiots you need to check on your drivers who kill and rape their customers

Forgot about the Viper, less money and almost as fast.

go fuck yourself

Its a dog, get over it people. They can buy another one. The same way they brought it on the show as a new format, it didn’t work out so they cut it.

Im middle eastern and I wouldnt want to sit next to this asshole for a 7 hour flight. He can go fuck himself. Typical left propaganda bullshit, they want to use his knowledge of the Arabic language as an excuse for racism.

why are you defending them? its drug money, people have died due to that money and its going to support more death

I hate you this is the car I had in high school same color and wheels, I miss it

I come here for picture of airplane with bombs but I only get to see one

I’m a Jordanian living in Maryland. This year I went to one of my favorite Middle Eastern lounges in VA. One table had 4 girls sitting by themselves. I will tell you I have not seen more beautiful or sexier females in my life. Full make up and hair, tightest short dress ever, 4 inch high heels. I was thinking

they only voted in 2008 because of his skin color

How much would this car cost pre swimming lesson?

you didnt have time to clean or paint the engine? always kills me when I do all that work without cleaning or painting since the engine is out and the engine bay is empty

why dont you just teach people how to switch lanes?

and why isn’t it RED??????????

we all keep complaining about the same thing. Pictures, we need pics miss. Us at work on a Friday waiting for 5 o’clock don’t have the option of viewing a video

dont forget a 50cal the pops up from the roof

I have to use quota time to see the video, so being in IT I get on another network and max it out

Waiting for someone to make a widebody for this