
It's amazing it's hung on in the ballots this long without getting a nod, but face it, a lot of the voters feel strongly about not rewarding films from the steroid era.

I've been saying there's Tammany trolls online these days.

Or a monstrous combination of Brie Larson, Tommy Wiseau, and Virginia Woolf?

Immediately upon seizing supreme power, both Bane and Donald Trump's first act was to have their avowed supporters totally obliterate the Pittsburgh Steelers while the nation watched in resigned, impotent horror. Coincidence? I think not.

Why ask the comic character creators? TDKR's Bane was a different character whose political themes stopped having any sense of relevance, or, for that matter, any logical sense at all, the moment you stepped out of the theater.

Sprint jams a finger in the dike of Tidal to prevent its ebbing and flowing market capitalization from breaking open the levees of pop musician arrogance, buffered by the sandbags of exclusive streaming deals in the face of the ever-melting ice caps of legacy industry transitions to a new and volatile business model.

Evil Overlord and Taylor?

Hey Progressive Guy, can you get me a deal on insurance?

Reading the actual paragraph about the film doesn't make it much clearer until I read it multiple times. Who is the writer, who's the director, who was on Sons of Anarchy, was the movie a 'miss' or a B-? Yes?

I just flew in from Melbourne, and boy are my arms tired from flushing the toilet in the opposite direction!

What about Fantasy Island?

The article has to specify because due to copyright law, this wouldn't apply to all the Beatles songs written after 1978.

As I've always said, Space Jam is a bad movie, but a great Space Jam movie.

Don't forget the Orlando Magic!

"Millenials are wrong: Mad Libs is bad."

Where's Bono, the Woman of the Year?

Giant Naked Bill Murray bursts into a restaurant, eats all of the customers but one, and before he leaves he tells the guy, "No one will ever believe you."

The Intercept seems to take offense at anyone except themselves daring to do intelligence-related journalism, like their territory is being invaded and they need to show that they're the only ones who know what they're talking about.

Wii are serious. And don't call us Shirley.

To find out, CBS requires you to subscribe to a separate catchphrase streaming service.