
@chronomasakari: That's exactly what I was thinking. I was going to get one anyway to add a little extra to my workout routines, but now I actually think good games will come down the pipe too.

I can't imagine what she'd have made of the old-school paper cutter we had in my primary school - it was basically a machete attached to a chopping board with a hinge.

Kabuki Quantum Fighter on the NES. So short, and pitifully easy, even for a ten year old. It was the last game I ever bought on a whim without reading a review first.

@p4w4rr10r: You monster! Meeting the needs of your child? Living up to the responsibility of being a parent? How could you?!

Somewhere out there a battered and bloody Rocky Three is stumbling around trying to attract attention by yelling "Adrian! Adrian!"

What we should do is just assume that anyone who wants to get on a plane is a terrorist and summarily execute them.

I remember identifying with Michael Douglas's character in Falling Down on this very issue over 15 years ago.

@chromal: You just saved me from posting the same comment. How often is a carrier crew going to get the chance to perform in an actual humanitarian relief operation when the stakes are so low? Even if they completely screwed up, help from other sources is literally minutes away.

@Skyward Sonik: That was my first thought too: Is it a glitch from an earlier version of the game? Or, alternatively, do you have an early version of the Kinect itself (i.e. was it from the beta?) which is having issues with Sonic Riders? Or is it a regular consumer store-bought Kinect?

Didn't they already make a movie about this? What was it called?

The real reason that "On" and "Off" Kinect commands aren't available are because they're only one step away from:

@Hypnosifl: That's a good point about doing multiple statistical tests. Sooner or later, if you do essentially the same experiment enough times, you're going to get one iteration of that experiment that is statistically significant, mathematically speaking.

@grigori: Yup. When it comes to using tech to circumvent the rules, teens will always be ahead of their parents and there will always be some creep out there to help them do it.

@Moonchilde: Oh, I agree. I love playing SWAT for just that reason. All I'm saying is that if such a game was made, it wouldn't sell.

All kids will do is set up a trade system with friends that do still get cash from their parents.

The problem with a game set in the Napoleonic era - of which I am a huge fan - is the weapons technology of the day.

@SGTalon: Yeah, I recognised it instantly. So many happy teenage hours wandering around in there.

@B@tM@n: Sure he could, he just has to pay an extra $100 oversized