
@The Anti-Fanboy: Well said. I'm sure a lot of these guys want to leave but can't afford to. If and when Activision pays them their bonuses, I'm sure a lot of them will jump ship - assuming of course that they have another ship to jump to.

@GoonieGooGoo3: Yeah, me too. My university roommate and I were actually in the XBL beta. We thought they were insane to even try to make such a service, but we beta'd it anyway to check it out. The good times have rolled ever since.

@fearing: Not even that. It was three weeks. Three glorious weeks, but three weeks nonetheless.

Well, your Shepard might be a raging lesbian (my main female Shepard certainly is) but, well, Tali isn't. She's straight. Having every character in the game being bisexual just so that your character can do them regardless of the gender you choose for them is just as unrealistic as everybody being straight.

@Tsylord: Not if you have a shrimp in there eating it all.

@Saver: You misspelled it: "Wise fwom your gwave"

@NoelVeiga: I know the reasons why, and I know it's not trivial to fix. I was merely pointing out that this is something I am willing to pay for to watch legally, while at the moment I don't have that option. Thus it behooves the Beeb to find a way to overcome these difficulties going forward. The BBC produces some of

Dear Hengehog, you couldn't have released this just before the Six Nations instead of just after, could you?

@Platypus Man: Me too. I'm a Brit living in the US and I'd gladly keep paying the TV License fee that every UK household has to pay if I got full access to the BBC. Instead I have to sneak in the back door.

@VincentGrey: You misspelled "douche" twice there, mate. ;p

@BuffaloDave: And tied himself face down onto a prison cot.

@BasedOnLuck: Osama has the sense to stay off the grid. This kid apparently knows just enough to break the law, but not quite enough to avoid its long arm.

@JuryDuty: Yep, I used to eat a bowl of Raisin Bran for breakfast every weekday because it was quick and kept me full all morning. I also love the taste, especially with a tablespoon of all-natural peanut butter globbed in there. I started putting on a lot of weight though, and couldn't figure out why. Calorically,

@virgilstar: I'm also a lab biochemist and I agree with your comments above. This seems like a relatively poorly controlled study to me. However, I have avoided HFCS for years precisely because I had read previous studies regarding HFCS consumption and satiety. It's like HFCS short circuits the part of your brain that

@icecreamman: Yep, was introduced to it by a Mexican member of my fraternity whilst on a road trip to Tijuana. I generally avoid full sugar versions of sodas, but if I had to take the hit I'd much rather take it from real cane sugar than HFCS.

@infmom: Seriously. It drives me crazy. I'm a biologist, and I'm certainly not a health nut who follows every food fad. My diet could be better, but it's pretty good. The two things I have avoided like the plague for years are HFCS and hydrogenated (trans) fats.

@diabadass: My friends noticed a similar effect years ago - we're all better at pool after a couple of drinks, but the effect goes away if you keep drinking. Turns out there is a scientific explanation for that. Alcohol inhibits the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the "fight or flight" response

Mr. Bissell, your problem wasn't that you discovered GTAIV. Your problem was that you hung around with people who pushed hard drugs on you and you were too weak to resist the peer pressure.

@F1_nothing_else_matters: Depending on what country you're in I would say that it warrants indecent exposure, which would definitely land you on the sex offenders registry.

@Dexomega: Ah, forget it. Just jump straight to nuke. Quicker that way.