
I don’t agree with that but I find it funny, so star for you.

You’re already doing it wrong if you’re not using a keyboard/mouse. :P

Look, I’m not even going to pretend that I’m not going to end up sounding like an idiot here but, well, here goes:

Alright, I take the bait: I’m pretty sure the author meant it was sad that we even have to deal with the fall out of mass shootings, period. Not health care workings helping each other out. Mass shootings should not be a regular thing. It’s very obvious in the article this is the meaning.

Maybe on the coding end but the model is all Peel.

The way they do it in England, where you have to spend time on a lower cc lower HP bike before graduating up to the next level makes a lot of sense. Their training and licensing process is so much more thorough then here in the US. It’s really absurd that a freshly minted grom can go from a MSF course straight to a

It does but at one point your warranty is voided anyway so I usually just tell people to open their consoles and lean how to manage it yourself. Makes it last way longer than the warranty this way.

Um ... if you have a launch unit your warranty expired November 11 2007.

There will never be a war game as good as Spec Ops: The Line. So glad PS+ made it free, I would have never even glanced at it otherwise and completely missed it.

I love this one:

The fact that EPA is not going after diesel trucks as hard as passenger cars doesn’t mean passenger car NoX emissions need not be controlled. And what’s this? “The EPA limit for NOx emission is so close to zero, that multiplying the permissible emissions leaves us still pretty darn close to zero.”

I absolutely agree that Jesus was not a capitalist, but this statement isn’t right either:

and the pope specifically said his priority when visiting the u.s. was connecting with people experiencing poverty, this disenfranchised, etc. Starting to think the conservative motto should be “don’t read, don’t listen, don’t think, don’t share”

Hebrews 13:15

I actually hold Jesus’ economic views against him (assuming he existed). I think that his advice for poverty is so naive as to be useless, and add economics to the list of research topics on which Biblical knowledge was counterproductive for Western civilization.

Jesus was a brown-skinned poor Jewish Socialist hippie who hung out with 12 dudes in sandals and a prostitute. The ‘pubs would’ve hated him.

Right? The man who took bread and fish from everyone and redistributed so that 4000 people could be fed is 100% capitalist.

He also died millennia ago and therefore doesn’t have shit to say about anything anymore and any concern about him is an enormous waste of time, but that little nugget of reality hasn’t seemed to slow them down any.

Dear Armané, I'm a wildlife rehabber, animals do gay things all the time. So, your argument is quite stupid.

The delivery date is and should always be fluid. Kickstarter is a useful tool exactly because there is no set delivery date forced on the dev by publishers, no marketing push, or all that shit. If refunds for a delay should happen, you have just undermined the entire fundament such projects are based on and will be