And like, if it was a bomb ... no one noticed it until the alarm went off in his backpack. Movies tell me that’s when bombs go boom.
So... I guess I’ll put in my 2 cents here since I know a few of the people in this group.
Because its the right thing to do. If Sanders is serious about becoming the next president, he becomes the president of every American and not just the people that voted on him and who agree with his talking points. By doing this, he shows he is willing to engage with people who are normally not his target…
I graduated from Liberty. I grew up in a liberal Christian household with pro-choice, pro-equality parents who openly identify as socialists. Perhaps because they are Brits, they are able to keep their religion and their politics separate.
There’s something very idealistic about this. I thought it was brave of Bernie to do it. He has the mien of an old grouchy college professor, and he may have just gone there to give those kids a damn education. Shake up their sensibilities a bit, which is what college is for. Besides, a serious presidential candidate…
He’s an old white dude, which is the most electable demographic. He is not personally hated and detested the way Hilary Clinton is. He appeals in some ways to conservatives that other democratic candidates don't.
read transcript of Bernie’s speech. He up front that we have our differences but we can’t continue just talking to the same people that share our same world view. We need to hear from & respect others and look at this life from their perspective. Bernie doesn’t talk down to folks, he doesn’t attack or belittle, and he…
Bernie’s only unelectable if people who like him but say he’s unelectable don’t go out and vote for him.
That’s terribly sad and says a lot about the system if one has to get a felony first.
This sums up my views very succintly.
The ending is profound and emotional, but not for reasons that are in the game universe. Kojima has broken the 4th wall again, and in an incredibly powerful way.
Anyway, a few others have pointed out some of this as well, but I would like to mention that:
being toxic on purpose “for teh lulz” isn’t not being toxic. Why should an apparent celebrity be treated any differently from all the other asshats who do it for teh lulz?
Its more than that, historically the Balkans were once part of the Ottoman Empire and suffered considerably as Christian minorities under Islamic Rule. However since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire such tensions between Christians and Muslims have not gone away often exploding in horrific violence such as the…
If I can breathe with my beathing organs covered (for example, wearing a Surgical Face Mask, or balaclava ), she can breathe with a t-shirt and pants on.
Junk science is junk.
That’s kinda what I’m getting at - I’m pretty sure the design came first, then the story to explain it away than the other way around. If they wanted her to be a super-sniper, it could’ve been the same vein as The End, or any number of reasons. Or if this was a brand of experimentation, more people (men and women)…
He really is the candidate the Republican party deserves. He is so unapologetically lazy. The Bible is his favorite book but doesn’t know any verses. Is going to whip America back into shape economically but has no actual plan to accomplish this. Is going to make all our enemies kneel before the mighty United States…
Didn’t you guys see Taps? This totally holds water.
So you’re solution to sex-based inequality is to perpetuate it?