
I like to say, get back to me when only twenty thousand babies are born, and half don’t make it adulthood.

As long as your relationship with porn is healthy. As you said having your SO actual ask to completely give up something is always a red flag. Whether it be a hobby or porn intake.

Eagerly awaiting all the people with poor reading comprehension who will see that Jezebel posted an essay on false allegations and immediately assume we are arguing that they are unimportant/nonexistent (despite this entire essay being written to say the opposite)—but I mainly came down here to say that I thoroughly

Wow, I wrote my BA thesis on Love, Fear, and Rape in Ovid’s Metamorphosis! It’s so cool to see someone’s take who’s spent so much more time on this! It can be SO hard to put Greek or Roman mythology into any kind of modern context, or to use it to exemplify historical trends, and this is done so expertly. Usually when

Oh my god. When I went to Planned Parenthood for a medical abortion (that’s two pills and completed at home) they in no way encouraged me to have an abortion or to have it done in-house. I assured them that I was not being pressured to have an abortion. They ask if it’s your choice, there are documents you have to

They tried to catch these Planned Parenthood people talking about making profit off aborted fetuses, and they failed, so they edited the footage they got to try to make it look like they hadn’t failed. At the end of the day, though, even the stuff they edited together isn’t actually at all damning — PP is well within

This is not a partisan issue. Planned Parenthood does not sell fetal tissue. It is donated, with the consent of the women undergoing the procedure. There are not "two sides" to this story. Planned Parenthood is an incredibly important organization to millions of women and men all over the country. You, sir, are either

You don’t give a fuck about a “non-partisan” view. You also don’t give a fuck about a woman’s ownership of her own body. In short: fuck you.

I think it’s more that they are taking governement money to house them there. It’s not like Fallins doesn’t have a house. The governement mansion is not their own house. It belongs to the state, just like the White House is not Obama’s property.

Can’t even make that shitty argument here, as he bribed people to obtain access to the lion. It’s one thing when you pay a park or conservation group who then use the funds to improve the habitat (still a gross thing to do, just donate the fucking money, you don’t need to kill a rhino), but that didn’t happen here.

Good idea! Anythings better than off the couch.

If eating it regularly is something you aspire to, you could invest in a dehydrator. Still not super cheap, as the raw meat is somewhat expensive, but you can halve the cost or so.

Try making some at home. There are great recipes online and its not as hard as most imagine with a standard oven. Though in summer it will not be as pleasant.

This is why stigmatizing abortion and reducing access needs to stop.

Interesting. I agree with credit card debt. But student debt to me, is not necessarily ok, depending on what you went into debt for. If you took out $200k in student loans for a degree that you knew was going to have a low income-earning capacity, then I’m not sure that it is ok. It seems kind of foolish, actually.

Because I am going to keep saying it until this bullshit stops:

AND: Japan has baseball as a widely loved national sport.

Which is fair. I know nothing about DR’s education, never cared. But he’s also a moron because as someone else posted at the start of the 2014 season less than 10% of players were Dominican. almost 75% were American.

This clip is a perfect distillation of Cowherd. Conflation of two completely unrelated issues with little to no thought put into connecting them? Check. Overtly condescending tone while spouting stuff that makes literally no sense? Check. Not-even-subtle racism masquerading as bold truth-telling? Check.

When you owe the bank a thousand dollars, you have a problem.