
debt schembt. right?
The unfortunate part is that from a lead by example philosophy the US national debt teaches the masses that debt is OK and we shouldn't fear it. While it is OK to take on a debt burden it should be done with hesitation. Debt like fire, is a good servant but a bad master.

What are you saying? my fleet of Chevy Aveos aren't going to be the retirement nest egg i'm planning for?

Also we're still up here and you are still down there.

I think he should be referred to as Rhino Skin if he can make it through this bombardment. plus I've heard he has rhino skin.

I was looking for the Higgins boats, also, the armada used to evacuate 300,000+ BEF & french troops from Dunkirk. Without it those troops would've been decimated or captured.

You sound ridiculous sir. You've clearly never seen what a rogue piece of candy corn can do to a turbine engine. It it's a fresh chewy piece it's one thing, but if that thing is stale left-over-from-last-year, lookout that thing is going to chip some teeth turbine blades.

I'm not inferring your systems are insignificant. but the statistical likelihood of a random failure in 40 units is insignificant compared to the likelihood of a failure when there are 100,000 units in a sample size. Also, technical support for 100,000 is a huge cost so it has to be as perfect as possible the larger


it's not a state, it's your anus

There are plenty of combat engineering bulldozers that are uparmored with IDF armor kits that were deployed to Iraq by the USMC and Army. I'm going to bet that some of those were gifted to the Iraqis.

Let's not detract from how menacing the bulldozers were...

ok, but can you do it right this time?

If you build it and no one buys it you can use that as ammunition against CARB, if you don't build it, CARB will tell you that you haven't tried.

Short answer; they don't want to sell many of them.

yes, the ones that are buried are typically meant to protect along a curve. The buried section is parallel to the road and rises up to it's design height before the curve. The intention is if road conditions prevented you from being able to make the curve that it would stop you from launching off a cliff/into

Kia, because you thought it was the Hyundai dealership.

Toyota: Because your parents are jaded from the domestic sedan they co-drove with the repair shop in the 80's.

Is that a time travelling Subaru Forrester?

he actually wasn't racing a spring car, he was on his horse..

that's no small feat!