
I am all for following the precautions, but you can’t eat and constantly put your mask back on at a dinner table. I’ve only gone out to eat 3x since March, always in very small groups, and once we stand up to move anywhere we put masks back on. I think it's reasonable as long as restaurants don't pack too many tables

Maybe because if anyone tried to sue him, Ed Lover would vociferously defend him. Ironically, Ed Lover is a fighter, not a lover.

Tossed salad and scrambled Fabregé eggs...... they're calling again....

How did you knowwwwww?


I am so looking forward to the eventual return of On Cinema and see how they address the pandemic. Tim's character is definitely going to be an anti-masker. But man, they already killed off Doctor San and teenagers died from a lung-related disease because of listening to a Trump supporter... it's like the Electric Sun

Ad Astra had a moon rover shoot out scene and it was briefly heart pounding.

That ending sounds suspiciously similar to the ending of Terminator Genesis/Genysys...

Aaccording to Metacritic, this is the equivalent to a 58. The movie could’ve been better sure. Technically C+ is passing. I think I have more issues with Metacritic’s scoring system than I do with this review. One gripe: they only said “Station!” once and it was an afterthought. Also, Dave Grohl should have been in

I was hoping that's what I was about to click on. Bravo.

I agree. Even if it's demos, the fans love their stuff and the thought of their music sitting around locked away is tough to accept. I respect them a lot so I sort of understand that they don't want any unfinished music with MCA being released, but damn, it's hard.

Well the guy is a monster, but the book I think is amazing and would be a great subject of a film adaptation. It also focuses on the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago and the architecture and also contrasts that with Holmes building his secret murder rooms in the guise of building a hotel above a pharmacy. That type of

I was gonna say, this is more Gross Point Blank meets Mean Girls. 

Have you looked it up? There's supposedly a movie version of Devil In The White City going into production eventually, we'll have to wait and see...

With the theme music from "Murder, She Wrote" playing in the background.

Wow. They included “recruiting from the criminal underworld” as a positive aspect to take down a fictionalized version of American protestors. And so many people will eat this shit up instead of seeing at as an insane view that should be a sketch on the Colbert Report.

If you've ever heard of H.H. Holmes or read Devil In The White City, that true story has a lot of Resident Evil vibes. His murder castle was real.

I am 110% with you on that. But alas I’m still glad what we’re getting is potentially better than the movie series. Also, if we got the perfect version you described above, the show’s opening has to simply be the RE1 FMV opening.

“Doooo youuu wanna die??”

Imagine that's the new "Bootleg copy"? Someone livestreaming onto Zoom?