Yes! Bring back Tim Burton and let it be the final part of an insane trilogy.
Yes! Bring back Tim Burton and let it be the final part of an insane trilogy.
Will Netflix be wise enough to greenlight a 3rd season?
I think the title of this article should have been "We have numerous questions about this Edgar Wright project"
I think it is intentionally comedic but we'll just have to agree it's definitely entertaining regardless because we know no one is going to watch the entire thing since no one on the planet has downloaded it.
This brightened my day. Thank you for sharing that.
Lady Ant. Lady Bug. Lady Ayyy. L.A. Cracker Barrel. Porch Rockers. Lady Yeehaw.
I thought it said on “OAN.” Now THAT would be bold.
For Whom The Bell Bongs, It Bongs For Thee
I'd much rather see that one in the comfort of my own home. I prefer my own...butter. for my....popcorn.
Teeth knocked out as in metaphorical for a slow start or a literal injury akin to the fracture you also mentioned?
How cromulent of you to embiggen my proposal.
Can we start referring to the first 8/9 seasons as THE ("thee") Simpsons and the following seasons as The ("Thuh") Simpsons?
*Fart Noise* Wrong.
Now You Hear Me: the Audiobook series (as read by Woody Harrelson in his half-assed drawl)
Now You See Me: Rise Of Mysterio
On one hand I loved the theater (and took a number of classes there) but every time something came up about paying comedians or instructors & employees, they handled it like Eagletonians.
Goes well with Stockton Oat Bran
Trump should start every press conference with "Hi I'm Donald Trump, Welcome To Jackass" because he immediately does something stupid after he opens his mouth.
I don’t know if I’m alone in this but I have 0% interest in watching anything on this new app/streaming service/whatever.
But Lucas was building on his own story in RotJ, not deconstructing someone else's. I think Johnson could have had better results creating his own story that wasn't tied to a previous entry.