Theodore Stanek

So, not actually racist white rednecks Molly, but Hispanics with “the spark of divinity.”

What color is the sky in you world? Her favorability ratings are lower than Trump’s. She wouldn’t even get through the primaries, unless of course she hijacked the DNC like she did last time. That will be much harder to replicate in 2020 considering she has neither influence nor power to peddle to the highest bidder.

The accusation of being a US History truant was based on your comment that we’ve “never really had any major problems since or before the Civil War.”

You sound like Oswald Bates.

Unfortunately, more air conditioning could also exacerbate climate change because of the potent greenhouse gases air conditioners emit.

Calling your opponent “dipshit,” “half-brained” and “inconceivably stupid” wins the argument every time!

Your mockery and co-opting of African-American Vernacular English is racist... at least by the standards of Progressive Orthodoxy...

You perfectly encapsulated how the rest of the world outside your echo chamber viewed “I’m With Her.”

“These are hard days to be a woman, a person of color, a disabled or trans or queer person.”

Rae-rae are trans, not “genderqueer,” and “suck my dick” as a metaphor is hardly exclusive to straight men. Your SJW cred is weak…

If “Suck my dick” means “Hang on a second,” how do you say “I’m hanging myself”?

Asia Argento is a legendary size queen. She prefers her men well hung.

Virtue signaling till the very end... of the rope.

“I calculated my odds of ever getting together with a Sicilian hostess. Mathematically, I had to do it, Jerry.”

What about me? I own in Los Angeles. I even prepaid my 2018 property tax to reduce my 2017 tax liability. Tell me how powerful I am again.  

They should just move somewhere less expensive, or rent.

Of course it is: When you have no valid argument, no logical refutation of a position, then the ad hominen attack is all that’s left.

Annual property taxes increases in CA are capped at the lesser of 2% or the mill rate on FMV, so in my case, higher home prices don’t affect my mortgage (or tax liability) one iota. If anything, as realsteele suggests, homeowners benefit tremendously in the long run.

When the underfunded (and absurdly extravagant) CA public-employee pension funds collapse under their own weight, and bring down CA with them, the 10% union figure you cite will seem like a high-water mark.