
If you pay attention, Kyle has consistently been the voice of reason on that show. It's not South Park's fault some people are just idiots who look for reasons to identify with Cartman. As a poster said below about Archie Bunker, sometimes idiots perceive the foil of the show as the hero.

I completely agree. I think that should have been the thesis of this article, or perhaps a follow-up.

I never understood that anomaly. No one sanged a song, ranged a bell, etc. Just because one is everyday term and another deals specifically intent to take a life still makes no sense. Why have two separate forms of a word for when death is involved? there are so many other ways that life is unfortunately taken, and we

Special cameo by Bill Cosby.

I was honestly hoping for a picture of his South Park version. They're so ignorant.


How can you get it right and so many else get it wrong?! also, I don't like a lot of trends for this present generation, but I hope they ain't the last! (also hope they can get a better nickname too, but I would take Last over Millennial or Xennial, or most of the other bullshit people wrangle up.")

2004. THE facebook… My school paper even interviewed Zuckerberg and our news editor got off the phone and goes "WOW That guy is a dick."

Goddamn it, we're Generation Y. As in WHY the Hell do we get called "millennials" when the people who were kids at the turn of the millennium are not called that stupid crap name. We were already teenagers.

I'm surprised there weren't any reports of them malfunctioning and sinking… anyway, the Giant Squid grabbing on was one of the scariest moments of my childhood.

that is seriously disturbing. I mean as if it's not already horrible enough that reality has warped enough to allow him in the actual white house, but one of the last places of our collective memory and nostalgia is Disney. He's just one big orange reminder of humanity's regressive nature.

If we can't use sarcastic violent imagery at the ones we loath for making society a shit show that led to our current crumbling one in a place like the AV club, one of the few snark capitals of the world, then where in Beelzebub's name can we?

okay fine, it might too gruesome for you, so you can buy a bunch of their shitty clothes with their instagram pictures silkscreened over more talented people. Hurry! once they're recalled, the remaining ones will go for 3x the regular price on ebay.

Nah, I think their heads lining the streets would get a better reception. Maybe we can get Kathy Griffin to start it off.

Fidget spinning?

Did you know that 100% of poor people breath air? OUR air?!

I used to see it in issues of The Believer literary magazine when I subscribed. Good stuff.

Set your radio to "Satan Is My Motor" by Cake

I think it was just his version of "silly space opera movie" packaged in a Star Wars spoof during to the insane popularity. there's jokes about Alien, Star Trek, & some other stuff too. All hail Dark Helmet

I actually like the concept of it being pitched like "Fonzie: In Space"