
I always thought it was the Batutsi…

I quickly scanned the comment & thought that was RTJ and they were making a cameo. Maybe they can get on the soundtrack. Remix a Meow the Jewels song using goat sounds…

It could be anyone, we have a lot of killers you know - DJT

I thought we're all connected mouth to anus, mouth to anus

Welcome to the upside down world

They did a Final Fantasy parody a few months ago too

Does ZODIAC MOTHERFUCKER have a seat in his cabinet yet? Remember that guy? 'Member?

There's a great meme I saw that put a trump-like wig on the Thing from the scene when it's devolving from its human form, and it doesn't look that photoshopped. I have an eerily frightening idea of what is under his sagging orange skin now.

Lucas shot first

I laughed so hard I crapped in my "Deppends" luxury adult diapers.

Was Reinhold's jury hung?

this thread has made me realize he has a much more diverse filmography than I remember!

Nic Cage's newest performance piece, his poem titled "I'm Not Drinking Any Fucking Merlot!"

For the life of me I can't understand how Kelsey Grammar made it in one of those and Nic Cage hasn't yet. He should be the next villain. Him and Van Damme would be unstoppable.

The Bauthman

I like to think of that invitation as something along the lines of leaving milk and cookies out for Santa Claus. Have any of you ever met the real Nicolas Cage? No one expects the REAL one to show up! I dare even believe he's real & one giant mass hallucination

does Bobby Digital make a cameo? he could be a good throwaway henceman

Wild At Heart is out of this world, just as Cage is out of his mind, so it's a great match

but it's actually one of the best reality or competition shows out there. but yeah the name could be tweaked…

also I'm an idiot and was going for a top 10 list. got a little UnCaged there.