I had the same concern when I got my 2016 MBP, so instead of buying adapters, I just replaced the cables with new full length ones which were USB-C on one end and whatever I needed on the other end. It’s about the same cost and removes an additional point of failure
The asshole isaways the same asshole 😉
It’s a classic move by the right - claim they’re reasonable and just want to meet in the middle, then demand the other side do all the moving. “We’d join feminist movements if they’d just agree to hate women a little bit more.”
Well that just fucked me right up. Maybe they’re all Caitlyn Jenner’s friends?
Oh, look! She was escorted out of CPAC by security:
Agreed, thanks. The conflating pro choice with “pro abortion” irks me too.
“You cannot be anti choice and feminist. Period.”
Iiiiiiiinnnnteresting. I wonder if Ms Charen is struggling with a sunk cost fallacy. It’s clear her level-headed recognition of GOP hypocrisy surrounding sexual assailants isn’t welcome, not even at a panel expressly about conservative women’s reflections on their place within #MeToo! But she’s also built a name for…
The “#UsToo: Left Out by the Left”
“Throughout the first half of the event the panelists talked about Planned Parenthood, complained that anti-abortion women had been ostracized by the Women’s March and had feminism stolen from them.”
Goddamnit. Can’t these women see that even while toeing the party line and using sound bites pre-approved by “their side” that these men don’t give a shit about them? It was so uncomfortable even reading this account that I cannot bring myself to watch it (as someone who has been heckled in crowds before). Also, that…
I don’t get why Waze and Google maps are still different things after all these years.
Impressive, yes, but doesn’t everyone in the USA already have a 20% off coupon for Bed Bath and Beyond?
I’ve always done the nature version of this. I call it minimalist conservation. If I’m out on a trail or at a campsite and I clean up completely after myself, I like to look for just one or two pieces of trash to pack out with me. I figure if everyone took care of themselves and picked up just a few pieces of extra,…
I have a calculation that I do for each table, which helps me figure out about how much money I’m going to take home at the end of the shift.
My wife and I split meals a lot when traveling. This is because we’re walking a lot more than usual and need more breaks and because we want to try as many places and foods as possible in this new city.
Salty, I’m usually with you on your articles, but this is just ridiculous. I’m not going to order more food that the table isn’t going to eat just so you feel better about your tip. Similarly, I already usually tip over 20%; you’re not getting 40% for the task of bringing an extra plate. I think this delves into the…
Not exactly a question, but I wonder about tipping based on the price of a meal. When I was young my dad would tip a flat amount, which mortified me and my sister, but it does make a degree of logical sense...
I had weight loss surgery in December, which means that a kid’s meal is now two meals for me. My wife and I have talked about tipping on what we would have spent on dinner for two pre-surgery, although we haven’t so far, since every time the server discovers how little we’re spending, the service gets shitty.…