

1) any publicity is good publicity

I have enough energy to dislike both parties.

I watched the 1st video and what I got from that remark is less that people over 30 don’t understand social media (or maybe they do) but that it was surprising so many older people were attacking her, shitting on her, etc. And she’s right. I’ve been in a situation where the most ruthlessly nasty, sadistic people in a

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I’ve done sales and marketing for almost 2 decades and her ask is not crazy. People need to get out of their, “I hate youtubers, influencers, millennials, or whatever” bubbles and realize that this is a young woman who was just trying to run her business like she’s been told it should be run probably by people above

thats dumb, its not like you are blocking a table that could have had others eating. Right to say bye and leave

10-12 years in the industry, here. I have never seen anything like that and if I did I would fire the manager on the spot.

That’s absolutely absurd.

Are you, your husband, or your friend people of color?

You know Jezebel is coasting along on a good day when it feels confident enough to embrace the simple joys of body shaming.

I’ll add to that by saying the when you insult men by attacking their masculinity (which is what is happening when you make fun of a small penis) then you are encouraging them to lean in to macho, shitty, antics because you literally just told them they are not “manly” enough.
I’m not defending this guy, or guys that

The problem isn’t that they insulted him, who is definitely an asshole, but that “baby dick” is upheld as a proper and good insult. I mean, it is insulting, so it works on that level, but it’s also bonkers body-shaming.

Okay then, so I’ll be the killjoy who points out that this is body shaming and there’s a litany of other wonderful insults that aren’t.

maybe......the part where you said that you completely agreed with greer? and that’s what she did?

Harvey Weinstein committed rape, you (and Germaine) seem to imply they were asking for it. And you think the best way to combat rape is to make it a misdemeanor? GTFOH. That’s not group think, that’s not being an asshole.

So when the pretty white girls murder the gay Heather, are they going to forge a suicide note where he did it because he was ashamed of being secretly straight?

It’s almost as though the people in power to make movies and tv shows’s Friday so at least I can drown myself in alcohol and think about it tomorrow instead.

Plus I think the original was a lot more shocking in some of it’s content but didn’t seem like at the time it came out.

So they let someone who didn’t understand (or understood but hated) the original film be put in charge of a pointless adaptation — one that would’ve been doomed even if it was faithful. And they made a nasty, sarcastic, alt-humor version of the simplest contours of the movie, and just aped the rest. Great.

Imagine watching Heathers and this being your hot take.