They attribute the endemic sexism to “a) our ignorance, b) the inability to see the impact of our rapid growth, and c) the internal dysfunction that ensued”
They attribute the endemic sexism to “a) our ignorance, b) the inability to see the impact of our rapid growth, and c) the internal dysfunction that ensued”
I didn’t read this because I know I didn’t follow any Russian fake news pages (because I don’t follow anything) BUT How do I find out if some else I’m friends with has? I want to know who NOT to be friends with. Tank you.
Look at all the burners and their whataboutisms and feigning confusion about not being able to parse the article title.
This douchebag owes his career to the young women he so causally mocks and slanders. Fucking pathetic.
This and the US gymnastics sex abuse are the latest examples of why I give the side eye to organizations that are for and comprised of women but have men in most positions of power.
I’m not following you totally. When you say “would the women feel safe living with a transgender male that could pop off at any moment since that’s the underlying basis of their DNA?” are you referring to male to female transgender people or female to male transgender people?
Yes. I put a sticker on mine that says “only slow cook using the ‘more’ settting” because it doesn’t get as hot as a typical slow cooker’s low setting.
KInda off topic but I just tried using the IP as a slow cooker for beef stew and on normal temp after 8 hours i had mostly raw vegetables and tough meat. Anyone else have trouble as a slow cooker?
If I can, I try to absorb the effects of tailgaters ahead of me by creating a large gap ahead. It’s a small loss in progress for a large gain in continuity. When they dab at their brakes, it reduces the gap, but it means I can slow less suddenly than they did, and so the traffic behind me keeps moving, insulated from…
Lotta prudes in the comments section on this one.
That’s literally the first thing I tell him (just in a less ultimatum-y “this is how it needs to be or else” way). Then I offer some other approaches in case he’s still willing to try and make things work.
Dig deep and (at an appropriate time) have “the talk”.
If you don’t want to cause a fight, if you happen to be the one who takes care of the insurance bills, and if you can afford it... sign the both of you up for a defensive driving course under the guise of “The insurance company will give us a discount if we do it!” That isn’t so uncommon, so it is believable (or hey,…
My wife was a horrible tailgater. Everytime I used to drive with her I warned her that pne day she is going to cause an accident if she doesnt back off. The worst part is she didnt tailgate on purpose she genuinely didnt comprehend safe following distance.
Don’t let your husband drive...ever. I only let my better half drive when I’m tired or have been driving for 5 hrs straight and I just need a tiny break. Any time I feel like I don’t have it in me to drive another mile, I remember the never ending accelerating towards stop lights and accelerating toward brake lights…
I wish I knew how to answer that. When a high school boyfriend dumped me, I was relieved because his driving was TERRIFYING* but I didn’t know what to do about it. I was all “well, I’m dumped but at least now I’ll live to graduate!”
I believe in buying dogs from reputable (ethical) breeders.
Ear cropping is barbaric, vile, disgusting and people who defend it are vile, disgusting barbarians who should never be allowed around animals. And if it’s necessary to win some dog pageant, HOW ABOUT CHANGING THE ARBITRARY RULES OF DOG PRETTINESS SO THAT NORMAL EARS ARE THE MOST DESIRABLE?!?!?