
You left out the most critical part — what did you say to your friend and how did he respond? Was profanity involved first and beer second? Fisticuffs and apologies?

The way people get so bumfuzzled about the “he said/she said” nature of some sexual assaults is mind boggling to me. It’s as if the listener, for the time and space of hearing the sexual assault story only, utterly loses all sense of risk, motivation, and consequences. What possible motivation would a woman have to

We’re talking murders, not just violent crime, but you’re in luck—I enjoy the smell of herring. The homicide rate from this report has been cut almost in half since ‘96.

Weirdly, I’m absolutely on the side of banning firearms...but not because of crime. We need more data on that, and we can’t get decent data so long as congress forbids proper tracking of firearm statistics.

I’m in favor of banning firearms due to suicide rates. If you look at suicide rates in Australia over the same

This kind of asinine answer is the problem. You know why state by state gun control doesn’t work? Because you can go accross one unpatrolleduncontrolled state line and buy whatever guns you want. Gun control HAS to be national or it is ineffective. I am so sick of idiots pointing out that it doesn’t work in a state.

Pardon me, as a person of faith, I’d like to respond. It’s absolutely more than ok to trash people of faith whose actions directly contradict their words. I will assume that absolutely everyone has sadness and remorse over the murder of people (if you’re a person of faith, you understand none of us are really

Chicago is a great example of how neighboring states’ failure to regulate access to guns seeps into our city. Also a great example of how the “war on drugs” has failed since Chicago south and west sides are basically gang warfare over drug dealing turf.

So let’s do nothing. What a great idea. I’m sure polio was eliminated and flight was achieved by industrious sorts like yourself.

Most guns recovered from Chicago crime scenes are traced back to purchases in adjacent red states.

Chicago had strict laws ten years ago, but most of those limitations have been stripped by the courts to force federal compliance, on top of that 60% of guns used in gang related crimes are from Indiana, Wisconsin and Mississippi, States that have way more lax laws than Illinois

Some reference: http://www.chicagotribun

“Sincere” is the operative word here. Faith without works is dead and all that.

No, of course not. More like the ones that keep Australia safe.

I didn’t know her name or company until news of her firing. Seems like Akima follows the Streisand model of PR. Also, I hope Juli has a new job by week’s end.

I understand that most companies have policies that you can be fired for badly representing the company (for example, someone where I work was fired for getting in a bar fight while wearing a company polo shirt). However, unless her shirt has the company logo on it (I can’t read it) no one would have know that she

I want to send her an edible arrangement or some muffins

I apologize for nothing.

4-5 hours a day?

Excellent primer. People need to know that solar has come a long, long way in the last ten years.

Sunlight is free. It doesn’t matter how much of it you waste.