
Yeah, this sounds cool AF! I’m definitely thinking this will be worth seeing. I don’t really see any downsides to telling this story. If anything, it sounds like a great time to put this out there.

Whaaaat. Get Out was great!

Just waiting on the day where modeling can include people of all figures & ages.

Posts like this bring out the concern trolls and they irk me.

it’s unclear to the reader, but I think I remember Bev convincing herself it was It.

Cocaine doesn’t put ideas of child sex in your mind, though. King already had that idea, coke or not.

It’s not terrible for writers to write about terrible things. But it is terrible when it comes out of nowhere and doesn’t seem at all believable. Readers got to know Bev in hundreds of pages before this jarring scene. This did not ring true to Bev at all. Extremely disappointing for many, many reasons.

Piers Anthony’s depiction of women generally is horrible. I LOVED his books as a young reader, until finally the “WTF?” pile built up too high and I just couldn’t move past it anymore.

I am a HUGE Stephen King fan, and I agree with all of this.

Me while reading this post

This story needs more photos.

The cynic in me says it’s not about ensuring teens learn. The system in America is purposely set up to grind them down so that only a few survive and thrive in the end. To prepare them for what it’s like in our adult world. lol

You should list a better alternative to each for people like me who don’t know no better.

If something is good, it’s good, no matter who else likes it.

I probably dislike the bitching about pumpkin spice more than I dislike pumpkin spice itself, which is alright when I’m in the right mood and it’s chilly out. Just let people enjoy what they like and get over it.

Step 1: Avoid Reddit.

One thing that I think you missed is if you are going to post to a subreddit read the side bar (or community info if on mobile) as some have very specific posting guidelines. Also, there are often helpful links that could answer whatever you are looking for without having to post.

Or how about, fuck no? How long are we going to continue to let entire industries underpay staff by supplementing wages on top of already paying for a more often then not, extremely expensive service already?

I worked in foodservice for nearly a decade...I always appreciated it when customers picked up dropped food, put the salt and pepper shakers back, wiped the table down with their napkins, etc. Some people are just animals; when I was working at Wendy’s when got a couple of buses late in the evening. It was nearly two

My wife are very clean when staying at hotels. We don’t eat in the room or make a mess. We typically decline turndown service and housekeeping out of security measure (we usually travel with money and valuable electronics) and just don’t find it necessary. We throw all the towels and bathmats into the tub after