
She left out gaming group for a Christian one. She said Paladins were popular.

I knew a gal that threw a fit about yoga because it was non-Christian. She was into the mega church scene. The mental gymnastics she went into about it was awe inspiring. She engaged in all sorts of weird shit, as long as someone slapped a christian label on it. Christian yoga? Check. Christian Dungeons and Dragons?

As a transgender man, who was also a nurse for a decade, and has seen the effects of FGM on elderly people with vaginas, and circumcisions on elderly people with penises, it is not even remotely in the same ballpark.

There something about the eyes for a lot of us that transition later. Not every transgender man can be identified by looks, but a lot of us have little puzzle pieces.

I would bake you all the muffins for these posts.

I’ve had to be stealth before, as a trans guy. If someone outed me like that, when I was in the closet for my own reasons? That is not cool.

It’s not hard to figure out transgender men if you know what to look for. We are shorter, small hands and feet, chest scars, and there is always the eyes. We also need our meds.

I’m sorry, we can’t tell you unless you are one of us.

It was legal in WA state until some dude was injured screwing a horse. It was in all our newspapers a few years back.

Hubby and I are refiguring out budget, because if we can pay these off sooner, and hope there is no snafu’s with our servicers. I’m down to vague prayers that the servicer doesn’t totally screw me.

I wish all visual media had captions. My husband is hard of hearing and it’s the only thing that keeps helps him.

There was this whole cultural thing back 30 years ago for gay men, where substantially older men would pay/sugar daddy younger young men. I had a friend that had a substantially older sugar daddy starting when he was twinky 17 year old.


I dont’ have the highest level, so they asked for roommates, family, etc, and then contacted them, and sent them a billion page questionnaire. In one case they couldn’t track the guy down and showed up to talk to him.

Do they plan to continue to expand their network of services for transgender people, with HRT and referrals? I know they are under fire, but they are first line access for folks in my area that are transgender.

When I was up for my job, they called and talked to every one of my contacts. Twice, because I transitioned female to male.

No. Fuck him. If I had “omitted” shit like that, I wouldn’t have clearance or a job. Why does he get a pass?

I keep harping on the folks I know in the poly, sex positive community around me to get vaccinated. I mean, just do it.

My husband and I work in the public sector, and took a look at those student loan amnesty programs. Even if nothing went wrong, you have to pay for ten years at a higher rate.

Lgbtnews and pink news seemed to think it would cover us. Lambda Legal is known for representing us, too.