
I’m not fond of the arguement that men should be treated with kid gloves to stay allies. I think as a guy, it doesn’t matter how many of these assholes exist. I value women’s lives, and I try to overcome a lifetime of sexist programming. Your feminist dudes will still be good feminist dudes, if they are good ones.

My husband and I stopped listening to Citizen Radio at the same time period. I liked the news, and the activism. I could care less about the improv skits, cats, and martial arts.

It depends on the state you were born in.

Birth certificates are a crap shoot for transgender folks. Mine still says female because fuck Arizona, and I have a beard. If I went to the ladies room, the cops would be called on me.

We are only liberal along the coast and in big cities. East of the mountains is very red state, and that 18 year old was lynched in Lake Stevens. Very small town kind of thing.

I have never had a problem telling my bartender that I don’t know what I’m doing. I find being nice, listening to their advice, and tipping well, gives you a lot of better drinks.

Weird you left out the price. $149.

Weird you left out the price. $149.

The dumb transphobic rule is the only thing to debate. Nobody wanted him to compete in the girls league. It’s inappropriate. If they hadn’t forced him to, we wouldn’t even be here. His title win is what highlighted the bigotry at play here. He was forced into that league.

I was just taking to a transgender guy about this last night. He had to go to his testosterone prescribing doc and get a letter stating his labs were within normal masculine limits to compete in a male. Odybuilding competition. He had to have regular labs and letters but he competes.

Really, because I know of no highschool that requires testosterone checks of their athletes to see if they maintain normal macula e levels. You are as educated on this issue as a wet sock. We don’t have super masculine levels of T. I suspect this kid is earlier in his transition and checked much more often.

Transgender men have labs checking their testosterone levels often. I get mine checked twice a year. His T levels are normal, for a younger man his age, and likely provable with a history of labs.

No. It’s not. My testosterone levels are tested bi-yearly, as a transgender man. I’m sure his are too. We are kept within careful limits because to avoid heart attack risks. If anything a transgender man has more oversight over their testosterone levels than a cis gendered man.

You are the embodiment of why I hate all comment sections about being transgender. You have literally no education on Thebes’s subject, and want to start swinging some judgement anal ignorance around.

This isn’t a shock. It’s only when I stopped sleeping with straight guys that I actually had good sexual experiences.

They want us in women’s rooms because they literally can’t imagine how masculine a transgender man on testosterone is, if they think of us at all. For the most part, I think this is purely an attack on transgender women. They do hit us, like the kid named Gavin that is taking his case up the court ladder, but I don’t

I’m in the same boat. I know I’m that dog from Up that yells SQUIRREL! I try so hard not to. When I try not to, I can’t think of anything besides, “Be quiet, be quiet, be quiet!”

I’m sure that will go with my decor.

I love this stuff, but I’ve become aware all things Nordic, Viking, and cool is being adopted by nazi dudes. The hubby has some direct heritage, and was going to get some tattoos, that just got put up by Southern Poverty Law as indicators of hate groups.

No. He’s a racist. Using the G word or asian folks, and the N word for black folks is not a compliment. What are you, some sort of nazi sympathizer? Freak.

Depends on if you are on a 1 or 2 party recording state. My state allows it, but others do not.