And there was much rejoicing.
And there was much rejoicing.
The Daily Show With Kristen Schaal would be the only worthy successor.
"Tell me about mom"
"Aha, whoops!"
Damn wizards.
At least it has properly acknowledged that, in the beginning, the universe was ruled by eldritch abominations with no love for mortal life.
General 'theory' behind the existence of Sweet P: the Lich, while undead, was never alive, in a traditional sense. He's associated with the mass destruction of life, either it be the destruction of the dinosaurs vi comet or the nuclear war that blew up the humans; in general, though, he was never alive. The Lich…
The faces of those fairies disturb me more than my first viewing of Pan's Labyrinth. I was twelve when I saw that movie the first time. I live in my own house and those animated abominations will still haunt me.
Well, if the comets are agents of change, it could be that the comet's simply different each time, hence the 'reincarnation' bit. There was probably one that brought life to the planet, or magic, or just something extra. Change is a pretty big category. The Lich comet was apparently a big screw up in the natural order…
Wouldn't Magic Man be the next in line, or something?
The Ice King's Ice making; he was waving around a little Ice U. flag thing every time he made ice, so it's possible he just bought a magical item that makes ice. It would be like that cold spell from Wizards Only Fools. It's just, like, a wizard party favor he's abusing.
The Cloud Kingdom, we hardly knew ye. No, seriously, the first time a cloud person was named was The Tower, I think.
Give her time.
Oh, and Evergreen was totally doing some 'ice ninja' stuff. Also, he looks like a bird, and Gunther might have thought he could fly.
Wasn't there a really early episode about Finn and Jake getting tricked into becoming wizards to stop a incoming asteroid?
The ISAP teacher at my old middle school was a old Vietnam vet, and he was by far one of the most irritable individuals I have ever encountered, and this is as a Chinese immigrant from china, the land where a bottle of vodka per person is the standard for weddings.
Being Asian, I was always in the advance program…
I'm really interested in what the writers were going with Bubblegum in this episode. As a character, she sort of has three 'modes'; bubbly candy ruler princess, like the one we've seen since the start of the show, !!science!! and logic-minded princess, and authoritarian, cold, 'I'm a eternal young adult ruling over a…
"I can't hear anything. They must be just lightly brushing their lips together."
I'm so glad that this show ended with my favorite ship looking like they're about to…
Do the Thing.
If you want to take the time to watch something about Marco Polo, Al Jazeera has a pretty great documentary on him that aired recently. No, really, go watch it; it's good!