
There isn’t proof that he is an abuser aside from one neighbor who seems to be obsessed with them. It looks like she did get hit in the face with a phone but that doesn’t mean he’s an abuser. Would you call her an abuser for getting in an isolated fight with her ex-girlfriend? You people love your witch hunts, it is

two weeks lol

Fuck Steph Curry

Gawker giving advice on journalism. What a joke.

This guy deserves to go to jail for a long time. There is something about this gang mentality with Americans always wanting to burn everyone at the stake that really turns me off though. I’m not trying to downplay anything about the current situation, I think this guy committed a terrible crime and deserves serious

You are a fucking idiot calling the Braves one of the most dismal teams in MLB history. They suck this year, obviously, but they are one of the most successful franchises in the league. You don’t sound like you’re from Atlanta. Not find parking out where the stadium is? There’s going to be an insane amount of parking.

Turner Field is a perfectly good, and historically significant park (‘96 Olympics). And it’s actually in Atlanta! Owners need to pay for their own stadiums, it’s insane that taxpayers don’t put up more of a fight against being forced to finance them.

way too much credit given for your mediocre comment. unnecessary to point that out, i know, but just felt like throwing that in

Way to be a hater and put as close to no effort as possible into this post.

you don’t understand basketball

For me at least, Klay Thompson is way higher up on the list. Goatee.


decent advice

Shut up, no one needs your opinion either.

Way to leave the phone numbers in your post....sloppy journalism from Barry Petchesky

Evan censors posts!

You don’t get it Germain. Stop it.

It is terrible. Stop it.

This ruined my day, Julianne.

you love this shit