
you have no idea what you are talking about


shut up. Fuck your name too

The menu is garbage, Albert. Get it together.

Why the fuck would I want homemade doritos? Jesus Claire. Get it together.

Get over it, Barry.

Patrick, way to be a shit head bully once again. The staff of this website...jesus. You are mostly terrible people, and some, I assume, are decent people.

Why would he? Would anyone who has been married to someone for a year want to pay them monthly spousal support?

Jezebel, spare me the celeb news. A lot of your shit is great, this story about a shitty person divorcing another potentially shitty person is not great.


Lol, excuse me, Ms. Lawyer. What you’re saying makes sense and I tentatively agree. Good work, Ms. Lawyer. To give a meaningful response to this one I really would need to take my time and break out the evidence rules. I might just do it too so we’ll see how I’m feeling in the a.m.

Ok then, Mr. Lawyer. It may not seem relevant to the proceeding, I agree with that, but it’s possible that it could be relevant to an issue within the proceeding, like how she paid her lawyer during her trial, her mental capacity when she entered into a contract, evidence of credibility of her lawyer as a witness,


Bobby Finger with the breaking news! Get over yourselves. Garbage dressed up as news. Just stop it.

Bizarre if you don’t understand how trials can work. Not that you should know that if you aren’t a lawyer, but nothing makes sense to you because you don’t understand. I’m giving you an answer.

Fuck you again.

Fuck you, Evan. Typical douche bag bully post from a loser hipster. Fuck you.


relax budday

Would you not be pissed off if you got blown out and the other team was throwing it in your face? Of course the cavs can do whatever they want, but Millsap was right. Put yourself in their shoes Tom Ley, rather than looking from whatever douchey pair of shoes hold your perspective.