
@SlayBelle: How about Our Vampires, Ourselves? I read that in college (OMFG, 10 years ago!!) and I liked it a lot. I was deep in a vampire-fascinated phase at the time and it was really useful to me as a feminist take on a genre I loved. (And by useful, I mean instructive.) The author just ripped apart Near Dark,

@Aaron Martin-Colby: It's a feature not a bug for some men who are aware of it, I'm sure. If you're a sexist asshole, it's going to be even more of a turn-on that this clearly intelligent girl is reduced to stripping for your entertainment—"that'll show her, thinks she's so smart! Hur hur hur." It's a nasty little

VOTE: DEVONthink Pro

@w0w223: English is such a great language! "Leaving your house in a state of disorder" can mean physically moving away from the premises. It can also mean "leaving" in the sense of "not changing," letting it alone. "I was going to clean up the desk before I started writing, but I *left* it dirty instead."

@Shawn Langlois: Tony Stark is a hot mess. Iron Man is a hero. If Tony becomes more Iron Man and less millionaire playboy, it solves a couple problems for Fury.

@twisted_martini: This kid is awesome! I never really understood the whole "ovaries in overdrive" phenomenon since I don't have ovaries to get excited (and mentioning any sort of male reproductive excitement vis-a-vis this video would probably earn me a Chris Hansen visit.) But man, I know how y'all feel after

@hawkeye18: Yeah, if everyone's been using the web for as long as you have. There ARE people who are new at this, for whatever reason—maybe they were too young, maybe they had restricted access to technology, maybe they had a family member or significant other do it for them—and *that* population may find an overview

I've been using ComicBookLover since I bought my MBP last July. Love it! It's been stable and easy to use for me. One of the best parts of the software is that it tracks the location of the files for you, so when I archive them on an external drive it knows where they are, and it will find them as long as I have

@CHARLIEBITME: Did you know that for years, pink was traditionally the color for baby boys to wear? And for baby girls, it was blue.

@(Starman), The MIDI Man: Look, they're tech companies. They're not civil rights orgs. It's swell that they took a stand—it makes me giddily happy to see people/companies/things I like on the right side of history—but this isn't their job. The Pro-8 groups basically exist to fight exactly these kinds of battles,

@Nynaeve: Hell yes. I've seen exactly this dynamic everywhere—HS, college, post-college, MS.

I love articles like this—thanks for writing them! As the nerdiest teacher on the team I'd often get approached by my dorkier 7th graders when they had Questions About Girls. (Lemme tell you, it's a funny and awkward conversation to have with a 7th grader, man.) I'd always tell them not to worry about girls; do

@3rdshift: A really good burger doesn't need lots of fixin's. (BTW—where does the apostrophe properly go in that word? I'm from NJ and not from TX, and I feel Texan lexicographers would be able to decide its proper placement.) A good bun and good meat grilled juuuust right are soooo delicious. I like mine rare

I have never heard of Elizabeth Winstead before. (I am a nerd—ask me about books or computers or teh newz!) But I think she's arm-wrestling in my head with Anne Hathaway now...

Man, I love nerds.

@HackBerry: I feel the same way about keyboard and mouse. And when PC gamers get all uber-fanboy about kicking ass and stuff it turns me off to even trying. I am happy to goof off on my 360 with my friends and call it a day. I don't have time to get drafted into another nerd war.

The Forever War, by Joe Haldemann.

@d_r_e: Any time you move a story from one medium (and one creator) to another, things are going to be changed. My only concern is that they stay true to the spirit of the original. In other words, I'm all for it if it makes for better TV. But if it's, like, werewolves on motocycles running Rick & co. down inside