
This entire article just REEKS of classism. You assume that because someone is a shotgun-toting criminal that they have no interest in closely-clipped cuticles and clearly-defined nail beds? Is it too much of a logical jump to just think that this guy wanted to have nails he could be proud of? Like you, like me? Like

You infer racism from THAT?

I’m not sure if it was necessarily a dig at J Lo for being...not good enough or whatever BUUUT, it definitely seems, in context, to imply some real racism &/or classism.


I actually really hate all the comments to the effect of ‘he’s just a clueless douche’ or ‘I guess he was just some bro all along’. Are we really so singular in our thinking? Are we really so unable to reconcile conflicting feelings about a person to the point that we need to simply write them off entirely when they

We’ve heard Matt said two very questionable things in a week.

He’s turned into a republican?

All rich, white men eventually turn into the same guy.

It disappoints me greatly that he wastes his breath pontificating about bullshit he doesn’t know about or that doesn’t matter instead of continuing to stand up for teachers like he does in this video now he is saying things that I disagree with, and I need my favorite celebrities to be my make-believe best friends,

A lot of criticism towards that pair actually did veer that way, you know it when you see it. But the thing is at the time he was in this mode of nerd turned lounge lizard trying to revel in the blingy attitude/thing/whatever, and he just seemed obnoxious. JLo had her own critics but their venn diagrams didn’t

The JLo/Affleck relationship was painful for a lot of us. Damn that music video of them on the boat!

Yes to everything you said.

I actually really hate all the comments to the effect of ‘he’s just a clueless douche’ or ‘I guess he was just some bro all along’. Are we really so singular in our thinking? Are we really so unable to reconcile conflicting feelings about a person to the point that we need to simply write them off entirely when they

Just another Wednesday tearing apart a celebrity for saying something we all agree with but know we shouldn’t say out loud.

He's turned into a republican?

He’s saying it was painful to see people talk about his friend like he was a talentless meathead. I don’t see what’s so bad about this particular statement. Is he implying something about J-Lo?

All rich, white men eventually turn into the same guy. They totally forget about that young idealist and become this bitter, intolerant republican asswipe.

In terms of someone I had to deal with daily, I’d prefer Jen G as well. JLo would probably be more interesting though.

I don’t want to interpret that as a specific slam against Jennifer Lopez, who in fact is not a talented singer or actress but is an outrageously talented performer and someone who seems to work damn hard in life to forge a career for herself. Good for her.

Nope - just the standard taking-comments-out-of-context to try to make a story when there is none.