Counterpoint: Kelly green is the devil’s green.
Counterpoint: Kelly green is the devil’s green.
Well, it’s nice to know Dolores Umbridge as a Mean Girl has found another school administration job.
Yes. I think “bullying” is going the way of “ADD” in that both those mean something very specific and it isn’t fair to diminish their meaning. There are a lot people who actually have to deal with bullying or ADD. Language is powerful and if we normalize them we start to forget the very serious implications of the…
Yeah, the kids that I teach are intelligent, but some are incredibly unable to function in any kind of adverse circumstance. Kids can be real dicks to each other, and obvi that should be addressed and dealt with, but I’m happy to hear that others are also seeing the need to kids to have some grit in order to be…
Exactly! It’s getting tossed around a lot, and it worries me that overuse undermines the seriousness of it. People who have truly been bullied, like you have, shouldn’t be lumped into a category with a one-time tiff between classmates.
I think it’s being overused, although many people would probably tell me my opinion doesn’t matter, as I don’t have children. However, I was bullied quite a bit in junior high for being “fat,” so I do have some experience. In my mind bullying definitely is what you said, a pattern of malicious targeting. A one-off…
Not a parent or educator, but as a former victim of actual bullying: It’s definitely overused. As you say, bullying means one person specifically targets another person and is consistently cruel to them. I’ve noticed people have started using it any time they feel ‘attacked’. Bullying is a pattern of behavior, IMO.
And you know if Lopez’s tape does get released, they are totally going to show excerpts of it on Gawker.
What a jerk. Who does that Meyer guy think JLO is? Hulk Hogan?
Aren’t you guys responsible for doing the same thing to Hulk Hogan? Jerks.
“Terrible person Meyer”
I can feel ya, Jennifer Lopez. It’s creepy when someone tries to shop your sextape to the media against your will, for all the world to see.
Aren’t you guys associated with Gawker?
bless her heart.
They don’t have a staff of people raising their kid and trailing behind them to pick up any crumbs.
Yeah, his poor poor wife had to order the help around on her own for, like, three. whole. hours.
He lost me at nanny and cleaning lady.
When he called to ask if seeing a movie was cool with his wife she should have said no it's not that cool buddy. Why can't people use their goddamn words and be honest? What the fuck is wrong with humans?
and they always get away with it by saying “she’s just better at it than me!”....uuuh having a uterus doesn’t predispose you to cleaning up after yourself like a goddamn adult.