
And yet you still come to Gawker media, despite their homophobic articles, pretty hypocritical don’t you think?

And yet you still come to Gawker media, despite their homophobic articles, pretty hypocritical don’t you think?

Never bothered again esp after the homophobic comments

Except I don’t care about how people will talk about me in 2050?

If you demand everyone be perfect according to the values of people years in the future, you will have to not be a fan of anyone, hell, I don’t like you because you use the term dislike, and according to cultural norms of 2050s, only evil bigoted asholes like Mariceli use words that convey negative emotions like

do you like Nicki Minaj by any chance? I forgot about her, yep she was horrible 10 years ago, Rihanna said some rather horrible things at the start of her career too.

I would be fine with you holding a grudge, but you should hold everyone to the same standard, which means you should also hate Amy Schumer and Louis CK and a bunch of other people you probably like right now because they did some horrible things 10 years ago.

that song was 10 years ago girl, I mean 10 years ago Amy Schumer and Louis CK did way more horrible shit, and you still love them, so i don’t know why you give them a pass and not Katy Perry? Also name me some more of your favorite people, because i bet i could find something they did in the last 10 years that you

jesus, why would she think it’s ok to grope someone. White women are the worst. Seriously white women are even worse than white men, no white male would dare pull this shit even while high and not expect his ass kicked for it.

this comment is a lot smarter than people think, it really sort of sums up the differences between men and women, which gender can take criticism, which gender needs reassurance in their image, and which gender enjoys having their balls busted

There is nothing less sexy than someone acting like they are too cool for politics.

wow, nice breed shaming, you need to check your human privlege

meanwhile if Tom Brady said he supported Bernie Sanders, everyone around here would be calling him their internet boyfriend

we’ve talked about it quite a bit on Jezebel, it’s a thread in every dirtbag or tweetbeat featuring her, it’s sort of like how everyone brought up the bigoted shit Amy Schumer said. At some point you have to say, fuck it, i don’t care if they say offensive shit, she’s a feminist icon. That’s why we will always love

irrational hatred is always a bit funny, I once heard a guy go off on why black coffee is the best coffee and is tainted by adding things to it, he was the coffee farrakhan, me and my friends called him. Plus we see it all the time on tv, like everyone loves making fun of the Kardashians and senator lindsey graham,

I don’t think he is pandering when he says that though, like Kayne is probably the last person who would pander. Kayne is the son of a college professor and went to an upper-middle class public school in the Chicago suburbs, so he most likely would be the sort of person who believes in that New Black shit, because he

wow, I mean that is pretty amazing (as in weird or odd) for such a famous person to actually like a Republican. On the other hand, its Kanye, he says crazy shit at least once a month, and for all we know, he’s just saying this so he can be Carson’s VP and run against him in 2020

I love overpriced meals, Kanye West AND democrats

So are you not even going to mention that quite a few of you have boyfriends and friends that work for the daily show?