Time for...
Time for...
She’s seen some shit on Instagram.
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Kyle, can you just do all the Apple coverage for all Gawker sites from now on? This is the only article I’ve seen today that isn’t trying to fellate Apple for showing the world a hundred dollar pencil.
Yes! Nearly all my friends told me how much of a bitch they thought I was when they first met me. I’m very reserved and it takes a while for me to be myself around people, which comes off as snobby and bitchy. But to be anything else is not being true to me. Luckily I’m English, where reserve is more tolerated. God…
wait...when did i change my screename to Akat101?
Are you me? All of my close friends have mentioned to me they thought I was snobby or stand-offish at first. I’m just quiet! I’ve wondered the same thing. I still haven’t figured out how to turn it on. I’ve gotten better at being chatty (like with the check out person at the grocery store, etc.), but it still feels…
Yeah totes agree. One of my really good friends is a bit reserved at first - I wasn’t sure about her when we first met but the more I got to know her the more I liked her.
When people I’m not close with grab my arm during a conversation I instinctively look down at in a horrified way.
what if you’re not restrained you’re just dead inside
i feel like i usually dislike restrained people at first but then usually end up changing my opinion the more i get to know them
oh yeah, let me adjust my entire personality just so you can feel like you can like me more. i’ll get right on that.
Are you unaware she let her previous husband die ALONE, lied to a magazine so they’d run her Wedding Photos, then filed for divorce, with him dying weeks later.
But didn’t the court find she had lied about her work schedule and the threat of him kidnapping them (which is hugely ironic given she has basically kidnapped them now). So not really to be honest.
Rutherford’s attorney “says the New York judge was ‘perplexed’ that California forfeited jurisdiction over the case and that the legal system has ‘caused profound and irreparable harm to Kelly’s children.’”
If the rumours of her lying about him to the state department so he had his visa revoked I have no sympathy for her to be honest.
You can do it in less than three. One solid punch on the ear and pretty much everyone goes down. It helps if they never see you coming.
She’s an Olympic gold medalist and was on the Wheaties box forever, this isn’t her “15 minutes”
Ha! Not Ha. My sigh.
Did you know that Billy Wilder originally had a different opening scene where William Holden is on a slab in a morgue and gets up and starts the story? The audience thought it was a comedy, so he cut it for the now iconic swimming pool opening.