As Myrna Minkoff pointed out, you have to have someone who is willing to at least listen to reason, and to follow through with it.
As Myrna Minkoff pointed out, you have to have someone who is willing to at least listen to reason, and to follow through with it.
I suspect I'd be going for the "who" option, as in "Who the f'ck do you think you're talking to?" closely followed by the "where" option as in "Where the f'ck do you get off?", and finally the "when" option as in "When you've discussed this with my union representative, we'll talk about it again".
A simple sentence that works in a million and one situations, and not just at work.
HA! Been doing this for years, and I have had stuff REMOVED from my performance review.
Yes, he does.
Mariah is so gross.
To be more persuasive, this generation has updated this pyramid to a more — ughhh cant explain,
"Stop it, I get shy when complimented..."
To each his/her own
Relaxing? Scotch? Clicking?
Oh, my gosh...
Dang, my grandma looks scary pimp.
I'd use that for other purposes.
I often forget (as time goes by), and due to occasional Prince's 'oddness'...
What's wrong with her face!?!
Dean Winchester, is sad, as well.
Jeremy from Rdio here, just wanted to send a quick note to show our appreciation. Thanks for writing this, Andy. And thanks for listening with Rdio, Ryan; a bunch of us here listen to Calvin Harris. "Feel So Close" is a personal favorite.