
Screw the production.. the MOVIE was a shambles.

They’ll keep their T&C but they’ll cover (some, maybe, and probably not YOURS) costs.. HUH?

So you didn’t actually read the fucking post?

Matt Ryan was as good as we’re going to get, he looked like Constantine (TYNE, people, not TEEN).. but he screwed up the actual character of him by playing him too scared all the time, and that killed the TV show stone dead for me.

Master, John Simm?

Colin Farrell and Ewan McGregor?

Why do WB, or anyone else for that matter, have the ability to dick around with anyone’s review/comment?

A female AND has cancer.. well, they’re certainly ticking all the boxes. the SJW’s must love it.

“As usual, we’d say 4K demands multi-GPU technology for acceptable performance.”

Except Janet leigh wasn’t as wrinkled.

My god, there IS still sanity left in the world.

It’s only 40 years.. it’s hardly ‘the mists of time’ the parents and grandparent who lived through the times would still be alive.. or some of them at least.. King Arthur was 1500 years ago.

At least LOTR was darker and more mature in nature, with The Hobbit, Jackson took a children’s book and turned it into a bloodbath.. Fuck ‘im.


NP, I’m Win 7 myself and when it dies I’m off to Linux.. Another heads up.. You’re better off turning off Windows updates now :/ and just relying on up to date third party antivirus and firewall. some of the latest updates have been really suspicious and some of the security firms are claiming that some of the updates

It wasn’t the machine itself I was refering to but the version containing the window 10 OS.

We all know about tagging the components you’ll need most (circuits, aluminium, screws, etc) so that everyday items will show if they contain them before you pick them up to junk them?

WB took the ‘underpants’ joke too much to heart, and failed to realise that the looks of Supes is as much a defining issue as his powers.

Surpisingly this game plays really well @ 4k with one 980 (with a 4790k and 16GB ram).