
That doesn’t actually mean they’ve done anything to it.


Thanks for saying so. (and thanks to the person that upped it too.)

I recognised Lucy and Snoopy from the top camp photo, but I didn’t know who the hell the other one was until I saw it was Charlie with a blue hat on. Why did they put a hat on him? He doesn’t look like himself now.

Ok instead of just READING something how about you listen to both of them instead.

Dude, ‘Faith of the Heart’ is a Rod Stewart song.. That’s just an instrumental version of it.

Still doesn’t work, it’s a known tune. Lyrics or not, I’d still have thrown my toys from the pram.

Holy mother of God, that works far better than what we got.

YOU’RE wrong. The Enterprise opener IS the worst. Lyrics, let alone lyrics from a pop song, don’t belong anywhere near a Star Trek opener and because of that, every positive comment you have made is relegated to irrelevance.

Monopoly is a phenominal rl social experience.. they should, however, just bite the bullet and call it World War 3.

Lies that protect, or at the least don’t needlessly hurt (when that is the motivation and you’re not just trying to hide something you shouldn’t be doing), is discretion, not dishonesty.

I would argue that it ISN’T ‘good’ looking..

..and here we have part of the problem, folks.

I think George would be too busy vomiting at the everyday actions of the Western world to be giving much notice to a Japanese gaming company.

Yeah.. this is exactly the type of dilemma alcohol was created to alleviate.

Agreed, but it informs why their behaviour is such in the first place, it’s unethical behaviour being used to reinforce unreasonable behaviour.


So they enforce unreasonable punishments to enforce their unreasonable policies to ignore their customers questions?

There is nothing BUT moral questions when you throw your employees under a bus for doing something that has no tangible results.

No, it doesn’t HAVE to be this way, it’s simply the most expedient way a company can assert control and they’ve been allowed to dictate terms like this by authority who’s mandate ‘should’ include protecting the populace from such blatant abuses of power. What use are our governments if they can’t, or won’t through