
Fair enough.. but I’ve been building PC’s for years, and I rarely overclock, and only do so if my hardware is coming to the end of it’s time and need to eke out a few more cycles til I can afford an upgrade.

Not really.. A fender was made by Fender, you pay for the rep and the guarantee that you’re gonna get a beautifull looking and serious sounding axe .. These guys are ‘just a bunch of guys’ no rep involved.. but trying to buy one by throwing together a whole bunch of expensive parts and saying they specialise in bling.

Leasing a gpu?

No he didn’t.

Sorry but I couldn’t let this one slide....


I acceede to your points with a couple of addendums, firstly, I actually agree with the most part of what Alio has been saying, and secondly, if you don’t know enough abut the parts in a PC to know why it works, then why would one hobbying on one? PC gaming comes with a knowledge overhead, FACT, we get the performance

HBM is very impressive, have you seen the size of the Fury x?, but proprietary API’s can suck my chubby.

Because he has $400o to spend on a PC when all he does is sell weed, and has no rent overhead?

In all fairness it IS kinda here, a 50” 4k TV (atm a 4k monitor doesn’t have any advantage of a TV seeing as you won’t get high frequency gaming no matter what you do) is about £700 and a 980 will get you 4k on all previous 2013/2014 games (2015 games aren’t even running @1080 on their required systems :/).

No-one builds sports cars as a hobby (yes exception, but you have to admit the disconnect in comparisons here)

“If any step in the above goes wrong, it takes more time and more money to fix.”

Are you being serious?

Yeah, but that’s not a Fender, with their lack of rep would you pay that for a Fender copy?

Reminds me of that Angel episode.

I wonder if the big N are going to lose their ‘quirky’ because of this?

Of course they do, but that wasn’t the point I was making.

Rubblish.. I rarely play any game on anything except on max ( well, motion blur and other stupid effects off,.. example.. W3 on ultra/high, AA max, draw distance medium, hairworks off I get 35fps (give or take a spike) @1080... too much is being made about it’s so called requirements.) and I game on a 660 SC atm, I

Good enough to persude you to pay $7000 for a machine that worth maybe $4500?

Same here, and I also love building Ikea flatpacks... how some people can have trouble with that kind of thing I have no clue. PC’s and flatpacks are just big jigsaws... and I love me a jigsaw.